摘 要
With the development of science and technology and the arrival of information age,
software plays a more and more important role in our social and economic life. The
software industry has entered a period of rapid growth. However, with the rapid growth of
the software industry, the software system is required to achieve more and more functions;
the system becomes more and more large and complex. At the same time, the project group
contains more and more members; project management becomes more and more difficult.
Effective process control of software project is one of the keys to guarantee the success of
software projects. At present, majority of software companies in the world are
experimenting with process control, ZhongBo Company is no exception. But ZhongBo's
software project management still has a large number of uncertain and subjective factors
now; the project management success is still unknown.This is a huge risk for the company.
In this paper, based on the CMMI4 standard, combined with PMBOK,IS09001 and
mathematical statistics theory, the key problems in designing and implementing the project
management program is discussed,and the solution is put forward. First of all,based on
the general description of the overall environment of software industry, the current
problems and challenges faced by ZhongBo Company are put forward. And the purpose
and significance of this study is point out. According to the present situation of domestic
software project management, the application prospects are put forward. And the structure
of this paper is to be clarified. Then, the theoretical basis of the study relates to the paper is
described,including the theory of CMMI, PMBOK, the basic knowledge of mathematical
statistics and the summary of related research from domestic and foreign. The research
methods and technical route is to be clarified also. Then is the core content of the paper.
This part mainly explains how to build the prediction models by using the historical data of
ZhongBo company;and these models will focus on the corporate goals and objectives of
the project;and these models can be actually used in the software quantitative project
management. The process of software project can be measured and controlled dynamically
by using these models .When the actual status of the project deviate from the plan, project
managers use prediction models given by this paper and make corresponding control
decisions quickly,and then adjust the relevant factors to achieve the project objectives.
This paper discribies the methods and techniques of how to build the modles, the model
description and the application descripiton in detail.This paper also put forward an
application example. Finally, according to the problems existing in the software project
management of ZhongBo Company and the prediction models mentioned in above, the
analysis about the expected effect of quantitative project management is to be carried out.
The end chapiter sums up the whole of the paper, pointing out the existence oversight and
putting forward prospect.
Key Words: CMMI, quantitative project management, the prediction models