本文结合当前国内外 BTO 模式研究的现状和相关企业案列,提出了 BTO 模
式对整个汽车行业供应链的发展要求,再结合 HY 公司的供应物链现状问题,提出
在 BTO 模式下对 HY 公司在供应链策略管理的整合方案。
本文针对 BTO 模式的生产及要求,提出采用建立搭建共享信息系统、ABC 类
零件采购模式优化、JMI(联合库存管理)、循环取货等手段对 HY 公司的生产计划、
其 BTO 生产模式的目的。同时,也为国内其他汽车零部件企业面对 BTO 生产模式
Since 2002, China auto industry has been through a rapid growth times. By the
year of 2009, China has become the world largest auto market instead of U.S.A. Under
the support of Chinese government’s policy, which includes inspiring domestic
consumption, adjusting industry structure and bringing more benefit to people, the
sales volume of China auto market is taking fast increase. For auto parts makers, the
prosperous in auto market is not only the chance, but also great challenge. More
competitions among auto parts companies are unavoidable, which its focusing on the
rival of SCM. In order to win, every company hopes to shorten inventory and logistic
cost by reforming operation mode. A lot of auto parts makers try to apply BTO for
strengthen their advantages. Of course, SCM solutions need to be adjusted while taking
Combined present study status and relevant case, this article proposes the
requirement of entire auto industry according to BTO. And then, with the analysis of
HY Company’s supply chain, we also give some strategies in supply chain
management against this film’s problems.
In line with demand of BTO production, this text brings up a set of new SCM
concept and solution, including information share system, procurement optimization
for ABC parts, JMI and milk-run, which could improve its SCM, lower inventory and
logistic cost. Meantime, we expect above ideas can give some instructions for other
auto parts makers when facing BTO.
Key words : BTO, Supply chain management ,OTD, JMI, Milk Run
第一章 绪论
1.1 选题背景及研究意义
1956 年 7 月 14 日,中国人制造的第一辆汽车—“解放”牌载货汽车。经过
了 36 年的时间,到 1992 年中国的汽车产量才突破 100 万辆。到 2009 年 10 月产
量突破 1000 万。截至 2012 年,中国汽车产销量超过 1900 万辆,居世界第一。中
国汽车工业经过这 50 多年的发展,我国汽车行业取得了惊人的成绩,一跃成为世
界汽车生产和销售大国。如图 1-1 所示。
图 1-1 中国汽车销量和增长率统计
随着中国这些年汽车工业的高速发展及人民收入水平的不断提高,加上近 3
公布, 截止 2011 年 8 月中国汽车拥有量为 7800 万辆,位居全球第二,人均保有
量已升至每 17 人拥有 1 辆汽车。汽车制造业成为继家电之后最具竞争力的行业,