本文以 M 公司为例,首先对研究背景及意义、文章的框架结构、研究方法
和创新做了阐述,总体勾画出本文的结构;其次,采用了 PEST 和 SWOT 工具分
析了 M 公司所处的环境和具有的优、劣势,为公司未来的发展奠定基调。第三,
主要按照利益相关方分析了 M 公司的关系营销现状,并对其公司的现状、销售
外部系统对 M 公司制定的营销策略进行了分析。
本文以关系营销为主要基础,阐述了 M 公司的营销策略,其中主要是按照
四个相关利益方为主要对象,将其划分为内、外部系统,分别分析了 M 公司在
The importance of small and medium-sized export-oriented customized
enterprises for our country economy is obvious. Small and medium-sized
export-oriented enterprises of our country have played an important role on foreign
trade, employment and social harmonious development. With the emergence of
sluggish and crisis of global economic development, it has affected the development
of export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises in China. Pressure from the
external environment and internal environment makes the change of small and
medium export enterprises in our country, the introduction of advanced technology,
the transformation of management idea, taking the relationship marketing strategy.
However, customization enterprises more emphasize the personalized needs of the
customers, relationship marketing is the main means of marketing.
Based on M company as a case study, this paper firstly states the research
background and significance, frame structure, research methods, innovation, overall
outline structure of this article. Secondly, focuses M company background, the
establishment of the macro environment and industry environment, and use PEST
and SWOT analysis tools to analyze the positioning of M company which set the
tone for the company&39;s future development. Thirdly, analyses the relationship
marketing status of M company mainly according to the stakeholders, and make a
brief summary of the company&39;s present situation, the sales model and general
business. Then find out inside and outside problem of the company in accordance
with the general principles and systems analysis of inner and outer. Finally, it points
out the principles of relationship marketing, namely the value transfer principle, the
author believes that the value transfer, knowledge is the key to an enterprise to keep
the competitive advantage, especially tacit knowledge, which expounds the
transformation of knowledge model in detail. According to this principle, from the
internal system and external system of M company marketing strategies are
On the basis of relationship marketing, this paper expounds the M company&39;s
marketing strategy regarding to the four stakeholders as the main object, which can
be divided into internal and external system, and respectively analyzed the strategy
of M company in the face of the complex environment. At the same time, under the
principle of value transfer and the key of knowledge transfer, pay attention to
knowledge sharing and exchange in the process of making relationship marketing
strategy, especially focus on tacit knowledge sharing.
Keywords: Small and Medium-Sized Export-oriented Customized Enterprises;
Marketing Strategy; Relationship Marketing
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 选题背景及意义
我国经济增长的重要动力。2012 年,我国 GDP 达到 519322 亿元人民币,增长
速度达到 7.8%,增长幅度有所下降。同时,我国对外贸易也创造出一个新的水
平,据统计,我国的进出口总值已达到 38668 亿美元。其中,出口增长 7.9%,
达到 20489 亿美元;进口增长 4.3%,达到 18178 亿美元,外贸对国民经济的发
展对的贡献率达到近 60%。
以出口为主的国家的影响尤为深刻。据海关统计,2012 年,我国外贸进出口总
值 38667.6 亿美元,其中出口总值和进口总值分别达到 20498.3 亿美元和
18169.3 亿美元,分别比上半年增长 6.2%和 4.3%,贸易顺差扩大 48.1%,达到
2311 亿美元,各项增长幅度明显低于往年。
据不完全统计,占我国企业总数的 99%以上为中小企业,其占工业新增产
值的 74.7%。同时,社会销售额的 58.9%、税收的 46.2%以及出口总额的 62.3%
均是由中小企业创造,中小企业对我国 GDP 的贡献率为 55.6%,同时在提供就