2008 年以前,国有企业和民营企业占据着市场几乎所有的份额,快递产业也成为风
作为跨国快递业龙头的 F 快递公司,在其进入中国的第十五个年头,终于和老对
手 UPS 一起,获得了中国国内快递业务的牌照,从而掀开了跨国企业正式进入中国国
内快递市场的大幕。F 快递公司斥资 4 亿美元,通过对民营企业大田物流的整体收购,
和其他设备。F 快递公司的初期战略和其跨国业务相似,主要客户针对大中型企业,
EMS 及顺丰等竞争对手的劣势。几年下来的事实证明,这个战略并没有取得预期效
果,F 快递公司国内业务的盈利能力和市场份额都很低,其中既有外界大环境的因素
本文将通过内外部环境的分析以及对 F 快递公司国内业务原有战略的经验总结,
从而得出一套切实可行的新战略,提高 F 快递公司在中国国内业务的市场份额和盈利
关键词:F 快递公司; 国内快递; 环境分析; 公司战略;
Pushed by the rapid growth of Chinese economy, especially the prosperity of
e-commerce like Taobao, Tmall, 360buy, and Dangdang etc. in recent years, the express
industry has experienced an explosive growth. It is estimated that Chinese domestic
express market is now as large as 700 billion RMB; however, the standard and regulation
of this industry is yet to be improved among large amounts competitors. Until 2008,
state-owned corporate and private enterprises almost occupied the market. At that time,
express had becoming a sunrise industry in the eyes of vc; however, with the introduction
of foreign enterprises, the market is undergoing subtle changes.
F Express, as the leading multinational express delivery enterprise, together with its
long-term competitor UPS, finally received the domestic express business license in China
at its 15thyear since entered China. This license announced that multinational enterprises
have finally and officially involved in the competition of Chinese domestic express
industry. Through purchasing Da Tian Logistic, a local private enterprise, by 400 million
US-dollars, F Express acquired the entire logistic network and resources owned by Da Tian,
include all their staff, operation spots, vehicles, and other equipments. At the very
beginning, F Express adopted similar strategy in China as it used for multinational business,
which focused on large and middle sized enterprises, but without enough effort on small
companies and individual customers; besides, its effort on fast delivery had made their
price much higher than domestic competitors. The leaders believed that, by its famous
brand accumulated by multinational business, perfect service and public praise, F Express
would surely be welcomed by large and middle sized enterprises, which would bring the
most cargo quantity. It looked like a perfect strategy that F Express would satisfy bigger
demand with less resource, to weaken the disadvantage due to less sales network than EMS,
SF-Express and other competitors. However, as time goes by, this strategy failed to
perform as good as expected. Both F Express’s market share and profit were very low.This consequence was caused by not only market environment, but also their management
This essay is attempting to analyze both inner and outer environment, as well as
conclude the strategy that F Express adopted for domestic business, in order to seeking for
a practical new strategy to increase F Express’s market share and profit potential. What’s
more, to provide some reference for other multinational express enterprise seeking for a
chance in China.
Key Words: Company Strategy; Environment Analysis; Domestic Express; F Express第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究的背景
亿,使得国内快递行业市场规模急剧扩大,每天流动的包裹更是将近 1000 万个。2012
年 11 月 11 日当天,各大电商促销使得当天的包裹总数达到惊人的 6000 万个。据业
内人士估计,中国国内快递业市场高达 7000 亿人民币。2008 年以前,国有企业和民
外资进入前,以邮政速递 EMS 为首的国有快递企业,以顺丰、四通一达、宅急送
等为首的民营企业分享着这块巨大的蛋糕。然而,随着外资巨鳄 F 快递公司与联合包
裹服务公司 UPS 相继获得中国国内快递业务经营牌照,加上更早开始中国国内业务的
德国敦豪快递 DHL,国内快递市场面临着重新洗牌。跨国公司希望凭借着充足的资金、
的预期目标并没有达到。F 快递公司的老对手 DHL 已经解散其中国国内业务部门,而
剩下的 F 快递公司和 UPS 还在苦苦挣扎。没有预计到中国电子商务的飞速发展,和本
1.2 研究的意义及目的