The New Language of Marketing 2.0 How to Use ANGELS to Energize Your Market 飘安营销最佳实践 飘安网络营销时代的 ANGELS 制胜法则 Sandy Carter AUTHOR IBM VP 幻灯书 凌凤琪 译阎小兵 审校 Let The Knowledge Fly / demo / Made by @呆呆蜂 http://blog.sina/s/blog_b73cddec010153ab.html 飘安生物科技有限公司 认识ANGELS体系 Analyzing the market Nailing the strategy Go-to-Market execution Energizing the channel and community focusing on the Leads and revenue Leverage technology to Scream your message to the market 分析市场 敲定战略 上市执行 利用新技术让 信息在市场上尖叫 激活渠道和社区 关注销售线索和收入246 S L E A N G ii 选取原著主要内容,阐释 营销2.0 — ANGELS 体系 [ ]