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联合利华的市场分析专业培训材料(doc 9)(全英文).rar


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“联合利华的市场分析专业培训材料(doc 9)(全英文).rar”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!


This addendum is intended to supplement the information in the Professional Skills Dictionary and the Marketing Skills Appendix

The Market Research Skill Areas should be read and used in conjunction with the Marketing Skill Areas. The two sets of Skill Areas are shown together (pages 2 and 3) with definitions for each Skill Area and a bullet point list of the Skill Sub Areas.

Subsequent pages of this addendum provide more detail on each of the Market Research Skill Areas.  Each page is headed with the Skill Area and its definition.  The Skill Sub Areas are then listed along with examples.  These examples are illustrative; they do not cover all skills and are not meant to be limiting.

1    CONSUMER UNDERSTANDINGThe development of a compelling vision of consumers?existing and future needs.  Th桔e acquisition and development of a deep understanding of consumers, their behaviour and attitudes towards the brand, the category and the wider world.  The achievement of a high level of competence in the interpretation and deployment of market research.
    ·    Developing an Intimate Knowledge of Consumers' Attitudes and Behaviours·    Assessing and Interpreting Market Research    ·    Initiating and Exploiting Fundamental Research on the Category·    Developing a Vision of the Future·    Being a Champion for the Consumer in the Business
2    MARKET CATEGORY STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTThe use of consumer understanding, the competitive dynamics and boundaries of the market, and Unilever's strengths and weaknesses to derive a clear strategy for the category that delivers profitable growth.
    ·    Defining and Understanding the Market Category and Segments·    Analysing Competitor Intelligence    ·    Creating Long Term Strategies for each Market Category·    Constructing the Brand Strategy·    Formulating the Pricing Strategy
3    BRAND EQUITY MANAGEMENTThe championship of a brand.  The identification and definition of the purpose and personality of a brand that the consumer finds both distinctive and appealing.  The development of new ideas that add value for the consumer together with the rigorous maintenance of the brand identity in all brand activities, to ensure the long term profitability of the Brand.
    ·    Developing Brand Positioning Statement (BPS)    ·    Championing the Brand    ·    Defending and Developing Brand Identity and Positioning·    Monitoring and Managing the Performance of the Brand
4    LEADERSHIP OF BRAND INNOVATION The identification of gaps in consumer needs, translating into brand ideas and through Innovation Process Management (IPM) bringing them to fruition, jointly with other functional specialists.
    n    Finding and Anticipating the Consumer Need Gapn    Appreciating Technological Possibilities  n    Aggregate Project Planning    n    Generating and Evaluating Ideas (formulations and packaging)n    Launch Planning and Implementation      
5    BRAND COMMUNICATIONThe communication of the brand, its unique values and benefits to the consumer and the guardianship of the brand identity and brand va