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2008我们将这样走过-英语学习(ppt 47).rar

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2008我们将这样走过 --英语学习 NMET 2007 analyse 2007高考英语全国十八份试题特点: “平稳过渡 ,无偏、难、怪题” 注重基础知识,强化知识运用,并在一定程度上关注文化层面的考查,体现了保持命题平稳的思路。 NMET analyse & Learning strategy 1单项选择 自2004年以来越来越简单, 无偏、怪、难题, 平和、规范、基础. 做常规题,不刻意追求偏怪难 建立错误档案,利用错误档案, 巩固战果 跳出怪圈,投入1/10时间,省出时间给读写 先系统,后综合 2 完型填空 情节曲折的记叙文 不再考查语法考上下行文 第一句不设项,各项以独词 为主 无生词 做汉注 设项极巧妙 总有一两项高难度题目 270--320字左右的情节曲折的记叙 文/夹叙夹议,有叙事文、叙人文、自叙文、新闻报道,结构完整, 独立成篇,语言优美地道,故事 生动有趣,一波三折,悬念横生, 越曲折越便于考上下行文 完形填空的语篇选择朝着语言交际化、情景生动化、词汇灵活化的方向发展,语言运用和情景融为一体。 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷完形填空是一篇关于孩子第一次去图书馆的经历。 2007 全国卷2 是关于一对英国夫妇在西班牙买车,开车的经历。 阅读与完型呈正相关性, 相关系数在80%以上 先练阅读后练完型 多练与总结相结合 3. 阅读理解 实用性、生活性、工具性 题材多样 客观+主观 五篇,200—400字,内容复杂、不熟悉 科普、新闻故事、新闻报道、生活小故事、书介、书评、广告、说明文、趣事轶闻…… 新闻性、时代性、人文性、科普性、异域性、猎奇性较强, 政治性、专业性、常识性、纯文学性、热点性不强 客观:排序、词意、短语意思、 句义、代词指代…… 主观:文章主旨,段落大意,推断,主人公、作者、读者的观点,事件的原因、结果、目的…… 语篇和题目的选择与设置比较规范,没有出现偏题,学生只要平时认真练习,及时反馈,踏踏实实地做题,在阅读理解中得高分不是特别困难。 多读 阅读的策略: 1. 先慢后快,先少后多,总结经验,力求全对。 2. 理解为主,单词为辅,可以查字典。 语法分析法是长、难、怪句的克星 4. 写作 第一节基础写作(共1小题,满分15分) 上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据: [写作内容] 根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容: 1.调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象; 2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 3.“父母”在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 5.你的偶像及理由。 [写作要求] 1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 Last week , we did a survey among 2,600 students on the “ who is your idol “The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols , while 48% of the boys figure sports stars . As the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls , but thefor the boys. However , the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol because his inventions have greatly changed our life. 第二节读写任务(共l小题,满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Dear Ari, As you sleep in my arms, I'm amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air. I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you. I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. That's why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means lion. It's our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do well for yourself and others. Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what you'd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers Anyway, we would find out soon. Finally your mother's labor came. And several hours later, we met the first time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord (脐带) and put you in your mother's arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face. And here we are tonight. As I hold you close, you sleep so peacefully. I press my ear to your chest and hear your strength. I am listening to the first beats of a lion's heart. Welcome to the world, Ari. Love, Daddy