【 2016年 月 日】
【 】, a company registered and incorporated in the People’s Republic of China (the “Party A”), whose address is 【】, and【 】, whose address is 【】 (the “Party B”), for good and valuable consideration and in exchange for the mutual promises and covenants exchanged one unto another the parties hereby agree to the following Non-disclosure and Non-circumvention Agreement (this “Agreement”) as follows:
【 有限公司】(下称“甲方”),一家注册地址位于中华人民共和国【 】的有限责任公司与【 】(下称“乙方”),一家注册地址位于【 】的【 】,经友好协商达成本保密及禁止逾越协议(“本协议”):
In connection with an internal investigation for the purpose of 【 】to be carried out by Party B (the “Investigation"), Party A agrees to disclose certain Confidential Information of Party A or its affiliates to Party B.
本协议双方认可,为协助乙方完成其一项【为 目的的】内部调查(下称“调查”),甲方同意向乙方披露甲方或其关联方的特定保密信息。
“Confidential Information” shall mean the information with confidential nature held, created, discovered, prepared, acquired, developed, or otherwise provided by Party A or its affiliates, which is not generally known to the public, to which Party B may have an access. Such Confidential Information includes but is not limited to:-
all information (whether oral or otherwise) and material (whether electronically recorded, in writing or otherwise) disclosed to Party B before, on or after the date of this Agreement by Party A or its affiliates for the purpose the Investigation