多功能计数器 指导老师:黄根春 队员及年级:伍玉、陈林辉、夏效禹 2006级 学校及院系:武汉大学电子信息学院 摘要:本系统以单片机和 FPGA构成的最小系统为控制核心,由宽带放大模块, 比较整形模块,频率、相位差测量模块等模块构成。在 FPGA内采用等精度测频 法测出频率和周期,可实现对有效值为 0.005V~5V,频率范围 1Hz~35MHz信号 的频率、周期的测量。用计数法测出相位差,可实现对有效值0.5V~5V,频率 10Hz~100KHz 信号的相位差测量。系统功能由按键控制,可对测量结果实时显 示,人机交互界面友好,达到了较好的性能指标。另外我们系统还具有自动校准 和手动校准的功能。 关键字: 等精度测频法相位测量程控放大 Abstract:This system is built upon the core of 89C55 microcontroller (MCU) and FPGA, consisting of the following functional blocks:progammable amplifier module, comparator module, frequence and phase difference testing module.We implement the equal accuracy frequency-examining technique and it manages to test the frequency and circle of signal which ranges from 1Hz ~ 35MHz and the amplitude of which ranges from 5mVrms to 5Vrms.We manage to detect the phase difference of signal,the amplitude of which range from 0.5Vrms to 5Vrms and the frequency of which range from 10Hz to100KHz.The function of the system is controlled by certain designed keys,while the LCD display shows the results.The system reaches excellent capability and is friendly int