Courtesy, in part, of Motorola SPS.Thank You!Welcome ToCayman Systems USA 513 777-3394?1998 Revision A 980810TPM Awareness Information1Courtesy, in part, of Motorola SPS.Thank You!About T.P.M.After World War ll. Japanese industries determined that to complete successfully in the world marketthey had to improve the quality of their products. to do so, they imported management and manufacturingtechniques from United States and adapted them to their circumstances. Subsequently, their products becameknown throughout the world for their superior quality, focusing world attention on Japanese- stylemanagement techniques.TPM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMImplementing Total Productive MaintenanceSeiichi Nakajima.Cayman Systems USA 513 777-3394?1998 Revision A 980810TPM Awareness Information2Courtesy, in part, of Motorola SPS.Thank You!WHAT IS T.P.M. ?Definition of T.P.M :T.P.M. IS: A PRODUCTIVE MANUFACTURING