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杭州中冶翠苑设计方案汇报 HANGZHOU ZHONGYE CUIYUAN DESIGN XX . XX . 20XX _}./饥/巳二b α a multi aw,,d-winning fu.xu!t_ll de呵,t 血1dio based 的 向f ond.on,rB“. 比缸 01 饥ι 4乒屯 "tesi.dent.白l intelt.uJI(. 。品'-Sign, inteJtiol. a't.chitectu'te,p句ect manage伊nt andJu在nitu协品s侈凡 - , ,: } de m 附 zeen 回 回 ,._ 叫阳附 ’ ” HWCD CREATES EXQUISITE RESIDENCE FOR THE MOST DISCER NING CLIENTS THROUGH AN HOLISTIC AND CONSIDERED DESIGN APPROACH HWCD IS UNIQUE AS WE HWCD is a fast-growing design firm with an international team based in Shanghai, L。。 nd n, and Barcelona. Our poπfolio includes urban design, b。 utique h。 tels, high-end residential, landscape design and consulting. From c 阳ept to construction drawings, we pride ourselves especially for our w 。rk in high-end residential and c mmercial pr,,jects.We approach each project in a c。nsidered and holistic way. Our w。rk is simultaneously c。nsidered and playful; the designs we pr。duce are unique, not formulaic 。r style-driven but are derived from a studied appraisal 。f and an intelligent and layered response t。a brief and the particular situati。n We inc。rporate an in-house Technical Design team We embrace a holist c approach t。wards design where the architectural,interi。r design and furniture teams work cl。 sely together to create beautif ully conceived, integrated design and Procurement Manage陌 which inform the design and c 。ntrol the deliver and quality of the project. We have a client-centric, collaborative eth。s HWCD have developed an informed and unique appr,ach to implementing and managing the interi。r Design process. 。。。以下略