Viable Products Why they are a life or death matter when
you are building a live marketplace We share the story on how we’ve built our product Solved.io
on consecutive iterations in order to prevent failure. Hello // my name is Tom I learned how important Minimum Viable Products are the hard
way: failing my ?rst company. My new company, Solved, has an extra di?culty: it’s a live
marketplace - we connect people facing a software issue with
software experts live. In this scenario, building a product on consecutive
iterations is a life or death matter. Here’s why - and how to make it right. Building a live marketplace // The number one challenge
we need to make sure the supply side and the demand side
are validated simultaneously
and follow the same path of growth. 1 2 3 Supply
software experts Supply
software experts Supply
software experts Demand
collaborators who need
help Demand
collaborators who need
help Demand
collaborators who need
help First MVP // validate the technology ?Our pain point: on-site training is not e?cient for big
companies, and that small companies only have
forums when it comes to software issues ?Basic product need: connecting employees with software experts live ?First Step: make sure we could establish a
proper connection between a client and
an expert within a browser using the new
WebRTC technology 。。。以下略