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喜多娜·三合行馆,坐落于云南省丽江市世界文化遗产大研古镇内,距离丽江古城“大水车” 约150m,为倡 导 并提供纯正丽江的特色体验为目标,于是从建筑、景观到室内设计,都围绕着当地的建筑、气候、土 著少数 名族纳西族的民族文化以及茶马古道马帮文化的衍生品和贯穿打造的特色度假酒店。 Sedona San He Residence is located in Dayan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well as an old town in Lijiang, in Yunnan province, China, and is about 150 meters away from the “Big Waterwheel” in the ancient Lijiang City. Aiming to provide special experience of a real stay in Lijiang, the Residence makes its architectural, landscape and interior designs focus on local buildings, climate, the culture of the native Nakhi people, its orientation as a derivative of the caravan culture along the ancient Tea-Horse Road as well as a holiday hotel. ▼酒店入口,entrance 喜多娜·三合行馆,丽江 / 昆明良屋装饰设计 传承丽江纳西文化 ▼从入口进入内院,walk into courtyard 三合行馆正如其名,整个酒店由传统的一进三院和一个长廊组成,分别为“喜院”、“多院”和“娜院”,其 中“多 院”为重点保护民居马锅头杨嘉泽宅改造而成,在经历了八十多年时间的冲刷及1996年丽江地震 后依然屹立 不倒,不得不为之惊叹。 As its name suggests, Sedona San He Residence contains a traditional combination of three yards, namely Xi, Duo and Na, and a long corridor. Of the three yards, Duo is a transformation of the residence of Yang Jiaze, head of caravans, which thus receives critical protection. One tends to marvel at the enduring quality of this building, which has weathered a test lasting over 80 years and the earthquake in 1996 in Lijiang. ▼内院,courtyard ▼建筑立面选用纳西传统建筑材料,The design of building facades stresses maintaining the Nakhi style, which adopts traditional building materials ▼细部,details 本项目为改造设计,区域内原由十二栋纳西建筑组成,本着修旧如旧以及保护传统民居的思想,对项 目进行 改造。建筑总平面设计对项目原有建筑的布局以及道路交通做了重新梳理,其中“喜”院,拆 除了项目原有两 栋面对面的建筑其中一栋建筑,再新建两栋建筑,合理的规划出了纳西传统四合院 的院落景观,因为项目地 理位置的特殊性(项目所在地为丽江古城核心保护区,原则上不允许拆除 和新建建筑),在经过和当地规划 局以及文物保护局多次沟通后,得到相关政府部门的支持,方案 最终得以实施。 The general layout plan includes a reconfiguration of the existing building landscape and road traffic. One of the two face-to-face buildings in the yard of Xi was replaced by two new ones, sorting out a reasonable plan for restoring the traditional quadrangles of the Nakhi people. Due to the unique geographical location (in the core area of protection in the old town of Lijiang City; dismantlement and new buildings are not permitted in 。。。以下略