三明恒大·御龙天峰整合推广案 HengDa Yuelongwan project integration promotion plan 朱雀机构/2019.12 数百年来,有山有水,有房有园,不离朝堂,却看天外云卷云舒的山居生活,一直是中国文人、乃至仕官贵人都向往追求的人居理想之一 The Nile River gave birth to the civilization of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (at the end of the Griess River and the Euphrates River) gave birth to the civilization of ancient Babylon, India River, Ganges RIver is the birthplace of ancient civilization in India Yangtze River, the Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese civilization 新时代,一个城市的山居梦想,不再是一个文人墨客闯入山林中的自我理想实现,而是城市发展的延续,城市、人与山、水,梦想人居和历史文化的和谐共处 The river and the city, the river and the river and the context, building, and people,2017, in the two thousand years of culture to Lu Ling staged a drama $ 那么开门见山 The following began to plan What are the advantages of this project selling point 本案有什么价值? What are the advantages of this project selling point 外部价值 配套 紧邻长深高速三明北出口
交通 商业 4A级景区-瑞云山度假休闲区 龙泉山
江滨公园 生态 万达广场商圈
社区自带商业 物流园 教育 三明六中 陈大中心小学、陈大中心幼儿园 社区自建幼儿园 自建高质幼儿园 金碧管家物业 总结一下 1、毫无疑问,休闲景区资源及社区自身配套居首
3、用自然景观资源带动产品,实现价值落地 要打败竞争对手
首先要在客群上树立形象 This is a thriving special economic zones, economic point of provincial strategy 定位关键词
精装,豪宅 Upstream = upstreamWith a more pure, more transcendent, more artistic conceptionThe products match Ji'an few upper class characters, no matter how good 北部新城 沙溪河畔 半山华邸