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锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司西门塔尔牛育肥场项目商 业计划书 摘要 我国牛肉的消费已经出现爆发式增长,2015 年甚至国内已经 有企业直接包机从澳洲购买活牛运回国内进行屠宰加工。牛肉消 费的持续升温给我国肉牛业带来非常可观的前景。但实际情况是 目前中国牛产业已经连续多年低迷,肉牛存栏急剧减少,而养殖 企业补栏意愿不强,屠宰企业普遍开工不足,甚至已经无牛可宰, 多数肉牛生产企业均处于微利乃至亏损前行的经营困境。与此同 时,国内食品安全问题已经成为消费者密切关注的日常话题,之 前瘦肉精,牛肉膏事件带来的负面影响还没有完全消除,至今还 影响消费者了对国产牛肉不信任的消费观。 牛肉的供需矛盾日益突出,以及不科学的消费观是目前肉牛 产业面临的两大问题,而作为零售企业,更能感受到上游生产企 -2-摘要 业的实际困境和下游消费者的直接反馈。目前,无论是国家,肉牛 生产企业,还是牛肉零售终端,多方面方均有强烈的意愿改善现 状。 锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司西门塔尔牛育肥场项目(以下 简称“牛育肥场项目”)通过自建自营育肥场来养殖、育肥西门塔 尔牛,通过零售终端消费者的需求和自有大数据,整合各方资源, 期望在 2 年内缓和企业内的牛肉供需矛盾,改变顾客的消费观念, 通过提升国产肉牛的品质和安全保障来提高人们的生活品质。达 到多赢的局面。 本文详细分析了国内肉牛行业和牛肉消费的现状,判断未来 肉牛行业的发展趋势。通过竞争分析,运用 SWOT 模型以及波特五 项竞争策略分析制定了牛育肥场项目的“差异化竞争战略”。 通过客户问卷调查和客户访谈,还了解到牛肉消费市场还处 于快速上升期,没有出现细分市场,依旧还是处于卖方市场的阶 段。从消费者对牛肉的接受度来看,只要培养好顾客正确的消费 观,增强消费者对国产牛肉的信心,市场前景一片大好。 -3-摘要 本文全面详细的介绍了肉牛行业的当前现状和牛育肥场项目 的特点。并让牛育肥场项目回归到农业项目本身的属性,不搞繁 多的营销花样,踏踏实实把项目可行方案做好。保证项目能够顺 利实施。 另外,本文创新现有的商业模式,通过自己养殖、育肥西门 塔尔牛,第三方代宰,自己销售的模式,不再耗费资金建屠宰工 厂,可以摊薄前期的资金压力,实现快速规模化发展的目标。在 明确了产品竞争策略,以及独特的盈利模式之后,拟订了周详的 营销计划以及财务计划,力求贴合实际,具备可执行性。本商业计 划书从实际应用出发,考虑到风险投资者的需求,对投资收益及 风险进行分析,解决风险投资者的后顾之忧。 牛肉消费的发展前景得到了众商家的一致看好,但在国内, 由下游零售终端回溯上游肉牛生产,尝试全产业链的过程中也可 能存在诸多的问题。本商业计划书以“务实求真”的态度,运用 营销学,战略学,组织管理等理论知识对行业、竞争市场以及产 品本身进行周详的分析,并提出自己的可行性执行方案。 -4-摘要 关键词 肉牛产业 牛肉 西门塔尔牛 育肥 食品安全 -5-ABSTRACT BUSINESS PLAN OF SIMMENTAL CATTLE FEEDING LOT PROJECT FOR METRO JINJIANG CASH & CARRY CO.,LTD. ABSTRACT Last several years witness the explosive growth in terms of beef consumption in China. It is particularly worth mentioning is that beef cattle production enterprise bought live cattle from Aus. directly by chartered airplane in 2015, with slaughtering in home. The heating-up consumption in beef bring us very bright future in cattle industry. However, on the other hand, the Chinese cattle industry have dropped in depressed period for long time, the amount livestock on hand reduce sharply, the feedlots have no strong will to breed more cattle, the slaughtering-houses runs below capacity, even no cattle to slaughter. Most enterprises are in the very hard management plight. Meanwhile, the food safety topics has been popular more and more, the negative impact from clenbuterol scandal and Beef extract powder scandal are not removed completely up to day, which brought the customers distrust to domestic beef. The increasingly outstanding contradiction between supply and demand of beef and unscientific consumption view are two challenges in beef industry. For retail units, Metro feels the actual predicament from upstream factories and the visual feedback from downstream customers. Chinese Gov. beef enterprises and sales units, all of them have very strong willingness to solve the problem. -6-ABSTRACT Breeding and feeding Simmental cattle, gathering all sorts of resources, METRO Cash & Carry Simmental Cattle Feeding Lots Business Plan (hereinafter referred to as” Feeding Lots plan”) make and manage own cattle feedlots. Combining with customer demand and big data form retail units, Feeding Lots plan ease conflicts between demands and supply in terms of beef within 2 years. At the same time, it can Change the customer's consumption idea by improve domestic beef quality and safety, to a win-win situation in the end. This paper analyzes the current situation of domestic cattle industry and beef consumption and forecast its future development trend. And, the paper analyzing the competitors, using the SWOT model and the five Potter competition strategy theory model developed that the competition strategy of the Feeding Lots planis “the differentiation strategy”. via the questionnaire survey, the Feeding Lots plan know the Beef consumption is still on fast rise track, the market is in seller’s market, and market-segment have not formed yet up to day. From the acceptance of consumer to domestic beef, the market prospect is more optimistic, if the more food safety confidence to customers. This paper introduces the beef industry situation and characteristics of Feeding Lots plan. The analysis has not paid much attention on variety marketing models, returning to the agriculture attribute of the project itself. What’s more, this paper discusses one innovation business model: Metro feedlots freed and breed cattle, third-party slaughter cattle and cut beef. Metro stores sell the beef. Metro doesn’t have to invest lots to build one slaughtering house at the beginning. Little financial pressure can help to rapid development goal. With the clearing competition strategy, and unique profit pattern, the paper has drawn up the detailed marketing plan and financial plan striving to be practical and enforceable. As well as the risk analysis, which take the risk investor demand into consideration and gives the exit mechanism for the risk investment to solve the risk investor worries. -7-ABSTRACT Definitely, the future beef consumption prospect is bright. However, there are some possible problems in the trace-back way from downstream to upstream within beef industry chain. This business plan using the theory models such as the marketing theory and the organization behavior theory to analyze the industry development, market competition and the company management, it wants to be pragmatic and provides a feasibility plan to promote domestic beef sales in China. Supervised by Zhang Kejing Keywords: Cattle industry; Beef consumption; Simmental; Feeding; Food safety; -8-目录 目录 1、 绪论....................................................................................................................... 14 1.1 研究的背景及意义............................................................................................... 14 1.2 研究内容和方法....................................................................................................15 1.3 文献综述.................................................................................................................18 1.4 本章小结.................................................................................................................19 2、 公司及项目分析..................................................................................................20 2.1 公司简介.................................................................................................................20 2.2 项目介绍..................................................................................................................21 2.2.1 项目目标..............................................................................................................21 2.2.2 产品概述..............................................................................................................22 2.3 项目优势..................................................................................................................24 2.4 项目劣势.....................................................................................