I.Biographical Characteristics 1.Age
Age-Turnover:The older you get,the less likely you are to quit your job.
Absenteeism:Inversely related? higher rates of unavoidable absence
Productivity declines with age? Unrelated
Satisfaction:Most--positive association;U-Shaped.Professionals:continually increase; Nonprofessionals:falls during middle age ,--rise
I. 2.Gender
There is no significant difference in job Productivity between males and females.
No evidence indicates gender affects Job satisfaction
Absenteeism,women have higher rates of--. Family ,Time bound?
Turnover,mixed evidence.Some found females to have higher---;no difference
I. 3.Marital Status
No enough studies on--- Productivity
Married employees have fewer Absences, less Turnover,more Job satisfaction
?Question of causation, ?Other statuses besides single or married,divorced or widow.
I. 4.Number of dependents
No enough studies on--- Productivity
Positively correlated with Absence,esp. F.; Job satisfaction
Turnover:mixed result.Some indicate that children increase turnover;other lower.