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在全民健身的背景下,公共体育设施不足是一个基本现状,针对体育场地 设施不能满足人们的锻炼需求这一问题,拥有大量体育设施的学校自然成为大 家关注的焦点。许多人提出开放学校体育设施资源来实现学校与社会的互补, 然而又有人担心开放后又会有一系列问题,如挤占学生的体育学习锻炼的空间 问题,存在对外开放的安全风险问题,以及设施设备维护问题等,直接导致校 方在对待学校体育设施开放持消极态度。通过具体分析当前学校的场馆可知, 不同级别的学校体育资源拥有情况不一样,高校拥有大量的高水平场馆和专业 的体育设施,目前这些设施仍存在闲置状况,在日常教学中用不着,而且高校 学生都是成年人,学生的安全风险相对较低,所以高校场馆应该对外开放。 在深入了解高校当前开放出现的一些问题的基础上,提出“政府购买“可 以作为高校体育场馆开放的一种手段,引导专业的公共体育服务生产者参与到 具有独特优势的高校体育场馆服务供给,学校管理者仍然主要负责自己的教学 任务。角色定位,分工明确,政府对公共服务买单。接着从不同的角度具体分 析高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的可行性,政策支持分析、民众需 求分析、资源优势分析、技术可行性分析以及区位优势分析。并提出相应的对 策建议,场馆所有者政府部门应将政府购买这一服务手段积极应用到高校场馆 开放中,并给予高校相应的政策支持和业务指导;场馆管理者高校应转变观念, 认识到自身作为教育工作者在当今高校场馆功能多元,服务范围扩大情况下, 自身在场馆资源开发利用的局限性;场馆运营者个人或其他组织要明确自己在 高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的责任,保证服务的质量,为民众提 供高品质的场馆服务;场馆服务的享有者民众,在享受服务的过程中,要履行 相应的义务,遵守学校的各项规章制度,维护高校体育场地及配套设施。 关键词,高校体育场馆;政府购买;公共服务高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的可行性研究 ABSTRACT Under the background of the national physical fitness, the lack of public sports facilities becomes a basic current situation. The sports venues and facilities can not meet the needs of people so the large number of sports facilities in the school has naturally become the focus that everybody pays close attention to. Many people suggest to make school sports facilities resources available so that to achieve the complementarity between the school and society. However, people also worry about it will cause a series of problems, such as physical education space for students, security risks and maintenance of facilities and equipment. All of these make it difficult for school to open their facilities. By analyzing the situation of the current school venues can we make a conclusion that the sports resources are different from the levels of school. Colleges and universities have a large number of high level venues and professional sports facilities, but they are now still in idle. These facilities are no need for daily teaching, besides, the students in college are all adults and the security risk is relatively low. Base on these factors, the venue of colleges should open to the outside public. Based on the deep understanding of the current venues opening issues, this thesis proposes the government purchases as a means of solving this issue, try to guide the professional public sports service producers to participate in the college sports venues service supply with unique advantage, the school administrators are still mainly responsible for their teaching task. Role positioning, a clear division of labor, the government pay for public services. Then this thesis analysis the feasibility for the college to participate in the government purchase of the public sports service from different perspectives, which include the policy support, the needs of the people, resource advantage, technical feasibility and regional advantages, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. That is the venue owners (the government) should apply the government purchases into the opening of the venues of the college and give the corresponding policy support and operational guidance; the managers (the right-holders of the college)高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的可行性研究 should change their ideas and realize boundedness of the development and utilization of facility resources under the situation of the function pluralism of venues and the expanding scope of service. Venue operators and other organizations should clear their responsibility in the school stadium to participate in government purchase of public sports service, guarantee the quality of service and provide high quality service for the public. The public should also fulfill the corresponding obligations and comply with the school rules and regulations, maintain the sports venues and facilities of the college while enjoying these services. Key words: College sports venue; The government purchase; public service高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的可行性研究 目录 1 前言 .................................................................................................- 3 - 1.1 选题依据...............................................- 3 - 1.1.1 民众消费需求的转变,对精神及健康需求强烈........................................- 3 - 1.1.2 体育公共服务的制约因素,体育场地的供给............................................- 3 - 1.1.3 政府职能的转变,由管理型向服务型的转变............................................- 4 - 1.2 研究目的...............................................- 4 - 1.3 研究意义...............................................- 5 - 2 研究对象与方法.............................................................................- 5 - 2.1 研究对象...............................................- 5 - 2.2 研究方法...............................................- 7 - 2.2.1 文献资料法 ...................................................................................................- 7 - 2.2.2 问卷调查法 ...................................................................................................- 7 - 2.2.3 逻辑分析法 ...................................................................................................- 8 - 2.2.3 访谈法 ...........................................................................................................- 8 - 2.2.4 数理统计法 ...................................................................................................- 9 - 3 文献综述 .........................................................................................- 9 - 3.1 关于高校体育场馆现状的相关研究.........................- 9 - 3.1.1 关于场馆概念、性质及其分类的相关研究..............................................- 10 - 3.1.2 关于高校体育场馆开放的相关研究..........................................................- 12 - 3.1.3 关于高校体育场馆功能的相关研究..........................................................- 12 - 3.1.4 关于高校体育场馆运营管理的相关研究..................................................- 13 - 3.1.5 关于高校体育场馆发展趋势的相关研究..................................................- 14 - 3.2 关于政府购买公共服务现状的相关研究....................- 15 - 3.2.1 关于政府购买公共服务概念的相关研究..................................................- 15 - 3.2.2 国外关于政府购买公共服务的相关研究..................................................- 16 - 3.2.3 国内关于政府购买公共服务的相关研究..................................................- 18 - 3.2.4 关于政府购买公共体育服务的相关研究..................................................- 21 - 4 分析与讨论 .....................................................................................- 25 - 4.1 我国高校体育场馆供给的现状和存在的问题 .................- 25 - 4.1.1 高校体育场馆现状分析.................................................................................- 25 - 4.1.2 高校体育场馆对外服务过程中出现的问题................................................- 31 -高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的可行性研究 4.1.3 “政府购买”作为一种高校体育场馆服务供给方式的提出....................- 32 - 4.2 高校体育场馆参与政府购买公共体育服务的原因分析.........- 33 - 4.2.1 高校体育场馆的特点..................................................................................- 33 - 4.2.2 高校体育场馆的功能.............................................................