略的研究还不多,因此对像 YL 公司这样的光伏标杆企业的技术战略进行研究有着重要
现实意义。本文首先对 YL 公司所处的外部环境从宏观环境、行业现状和业界竞争状况
几方面进行了详细分析和总结;随后对 YL 公司的人力资源、技术研发能力、营销能力
和企业文化这四个内部环境因素进行分析和总结。在内外部环境分析的基础上依据 YL
公司技术战略选择原则建立 SWOT 分析模型进行技术战略规划和选择。最后根据所选
关键词 技术战略 技术能力 竞争优势Abstract
Technological strategy, the core of business strategy, is not only essential to the
survival and development of company but also to establish a competitive edge. Researches on
technological strategy is now in the ascendant, academicians and entrepreneurs have done a
large amount of exploration and practice with respect to the concept, pattern and contents of
technological strategy.
Based on deeper understanding of technological strategy theory that is sorted out and
summarized. The importance of technological strategy for enterprise competitive edge is
clarified. Some types of technological strategy and the status in quo of the study on the
technological strategy are put forward.
PV industry of China have become to the biggest scale in the world in recent decades.
Next it is must turn to developing PV technology and rely the advantage of PV technology
from big to strong. Less researches on PV enterprise’technological strategy at present,hence
study on the YL company, the model enterprise in China, is of great significance. The
outside environment of YL on the sides of macroscopic environment, status of PV industry
and competitive power structure are analyzed. Then the inside environment of YL on the
side of human resources,marketing development capability,R&D capability and corporate
culture is analyzed also. Based on the completive analysis of YL,SWOT analysis on the
technological and a model for technological strategy selection are put forward. Some
reasonable measures of executing the technological strategy from the sides of the
organizational structure, management system and human resources are suggested.
Key words Technological strategy Technology capability Competitive edge目录
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究意义2
1.3 国内外技术战略研究综述2
1.4 论文研究方法和技术路线5
1.4.1 论文研究方法5
1.4.2 论文研究技术路线 5
第 2 章 研究理论基础7
2.1 企业战略7
2.2 技术与产业技术8
2.3 技术战略9
2.3.1 技术战略构成10
2.3.2 技术战略模式10
2.3.3 技术战略制定和选择11
第 3 章 YL 公司外部环境分析13
3.1 YL 公司简介 13
3.2 宏观环境分析 13
3.2.1 政治法律环境分析13
3.2.2 经济环境分析15
3.2.3 社会文化环境分析15
3.2.4 技术环境分析16
3.2.5 宏观环境对技术战略的影响17
3.3 行业环境分析17
3.3.1 光伏产业链简介18
3.3.2 光伏产业制造现状18
3.3.3 光伏产业应用现状20目录
3.3.4 光伏产业技术现状21
3.4 竞争环境分析 22
3.4.1 行业主要竞争对手分析22
3.4.2 替代品分析23
3.4.3 供方情况分析25
3.4.4 买方情况分析26
3.4.5 潜在进入者分析27
3.4.6 竞争环境对技术战略的影响27
第 4 章 YL 公司内部环境分析28
4.1 部门设置构架分析 28
4.2 人力资源分析 29
4.3 研发与技术能力分析 30
4.4 经营管理能力分析 30
4.5 市场营销能力分析 31
4.6 企业文化分析