融资租赁行业的业务总规模复合增长率超过了 30%。在可见的未来,融资租赁作
As a kind of financial market, financial leasing plays an important role in the
social production reform because of its combination of finance and financial assets.
As an innovative financial service, the finance leasing industry has developed rapidly.
Financial leasing for enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises to obtain
funds to provide a new choice, greatly reducing the financial pressure on enterprises
to promote the economic development of industrial upgrading. As a supplementary
means of commercial bank loans, financial leasing has become the second largest
capital supply channel after the banking industry in developed countries. The past
three years, the financial leasing industry, the total size of the compound business
growth rate of more than 30%. In the foreseeable future, financial leasing as an
emerging financial services, has a huge space for development, can create enormous
social benefits.
This article mainly uses the definition of financial leasing from the definition of
financial leasing, briefly introduces the definition of leasing contract, introduces the
theory and practice of financial leasing in brief, introduces the current situation of
leasing and renting market, then compares the leasing and financing leasing. Analysis,
a clear concept of the business scope of the various financial leasing for the
integration of the characteristics of financial melt analysis. This paper focuses on the
characteristics of the main financial leasing companies in China. From the perspective
of the whole finance leasing industry and the transaction mode, this paper puts
forward the problems that the finance leasing industry is facing by analyzing the
present situation of the industry.
In order to solve the problem of finance leasing and combine the significance of
finance leasing in economic development, this paper puts forward five
countermeasures: optimizing the market structure, perfecting the types of market
transactions, widening the financing channels, optimizing the income structure and
balancing the regional layout.
KEY WORDS : Finance leasing, Financing channels, Leaseback, Financial
institutions structureIII
目 录
第 1 章 导论......1
1.1 选题背景..........1
1.2 研究综述..........2
1.3 研究思路..........3
第 2 章 融资租赁相关理论及实践......5
2.1 融资租赁的相关概念..5
2.1.1 融资租赁的承租方.......6
2.1.2 融资租赁的出租方.......7
2.2 租赁,融资租赁对比及融资租赁公司的主要类型..8
2.2.1 租赁与融资租赁的对比...........8
2.2.2 融资租赁公司的主要类型.......9
2.3 融资租赁发展的四大支柱....10
2.3.1 交易规则.........10
2.3.2 会计准则.........11
2.3.3 行业监管.........12
2.3.4 税收政策.........12
2.4 融资租赁公司运营流程分析...........14
2.4.1 融资租赁的交易模式及其运作基本流程概述.........14
2.4.2 融资租赁公司赢利点分析.....16
第 3 章 我国融资租赁行业现状........17
3.1 我国融资租赁行业发展历程17
3.2 融资租赁行业发展现状........17
3.2.1 融资租赁整体规模发展.........17
3.2.2 融资租赁业务模式.....18
3.3 融资租赁面临的市场环境...19
第 4 章 融资租赁行业存在的问题和面临的形势....23
4.1 融资租赁的市场结构不合理23
4.2 融资租赁的业务类型简单初级........23
4.3 融资渠道狭窄24
4.4 区域化差异明显........25
4.5 融资租赁面临的战略发展机遇........25
第 5 章 我国融资租赁行业发展的对策建议29
5.1 融资租赁行业发展的意义...29IV
5.1.1 促进产业优化升级.....29
5.1.2 拉动社会的有效需求.30
5.1.3 优化金融组织结构.....31
5.2 我国融资租赁发展的对策....32
5.2.1 优化市场结构问题.....32
5.2.2 完善市场交易方式种类.........33
5.2.3 拓宽融资渠道.35
5.2.4 优化收益结构.36
5.2.5 平衡区域布局.37