Focus on the question of risk Contagion in real estate and banking industry, the
paper explores the effects of the risk Contagion between two industries from two
perspectives: the debt network and investor sentiment. On the research of debt
network, we seclet loan detail data of listed companies in real estate and banking
industry. The band is divided into two categories: state-owned banks and joint-stock
banks. We depict the debt network drawing in real estate and banking industry
separately. The results show: there is complex debt network in real estate and banking
industry, and real estate depends on banking industry much stronger. State-owned
banks contacts with real estate stronger than joint-stock banks. The debt network is
the path of risk Contagion between two industries. There are community structures
centering on banks in the debt network. On the research of investor sentiment, we
select 5 pair of listed companies in real estate and banking industry. The matched
companies are based on the tight loan relation from the information of loan detail data
and major event reports. The value at risk is calculate for each listed company and the
VAR-VaR combined model is set up. With the impulse responses analysis, the results
show: the fluctuation of investor sentiment in real estate effects stock risk in banking
industry with a lag, but the investor sentiment in banking industry has not significant
influence on stock risk in real estate. The changes of stock risk in real estate lead to
the fluctuation of investor sentiment in banking industry, but investor sentiment in real
estate on stock risk in banking industry without identification. The effects of investor
sentiment in real estate on stock risk in banking industry and stock risk in real estate
on investor sentiment in banking industry have short time and instability nature.
While stock risk between real estate and banking industry shows significant symbiotic.
Finally combining the results of the study puts forward related suggestions.
KEY WORDS:Real Estate, Banking, Risk Contagion, Debt Network, Investor
第 1 章 绪论......1
1.1 研究背景...........1
1.2 研究目的和意义...........3
1.2.1 研究目的.3
1.2.2 研究意义.3
1.3 研究内容与研究方法...4
1.4 研究创新点.......5
第 2 章 国内外研究综述..........7
2.1 基于债务网络的银行业与房地产业间风险传染研究综述...7
2.2 基于投资者情绪的银行业与房地产业间风险传染研究综述...........8
2.3 国内外研究现状评述.10
第 3 章 房地产与银行间的债务网络关系分析 .......13
3.1 房地产业与银行间债务关系的总体趋势分析.........13
3.2 房地产业与银行间贷款明细.15
3.3 房地产上市公司与银行的债务网络关系图.17
3.4 债务网络关系图的测度分析.22
3.4.1 网络密度的测度...........23
3.4.2 可达性测度.......24
3.4.3 聚类系数测度...24
3.4.4 中心性测度.......25
第 4 章 房地产与银行间投资者情绪与风险传染性实证研究 .......29
4.1 理论分析与研究假设.29
4.2 研究方法.........30
4.2.1 样本选取...........30
4.2.2 数据处理...........31
4.2.3 向量自回归模型...........33
4.3 实证分析.........34
4.3.1 描述统计...........34VI
4.3.2VAR 模型...........35
第 5 章 结束语45
5.1 结论.....45
5.2 对策建议.........46
5.3 研究不足与进一步研究方向.47
致谢......55第 1 章 绪论第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
2007 年爆发于美国的次贷危机是一次继大萧条以来最严重的世界性经济灾
难,从雷曼兄弟公司破产开始,美国在 2008 年至 2009 年间,倒闭银行数量高达
160 多家,约为 2003 年至 2007 年倒闭银行数量的 15 倍。连一些很少在经济领
自 1978 年改革开放以来,我国的经济得到了飞