Gian Gentile, Michael E. Linick, Michael Shurkin
The Evolution of
U.S. Military Policy
from the Constitution
to the Present
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ISBN: 978-0-8330-9786-6
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Since the earliest days of the Republic, American political and military leaders have
debated and refned the national approach to providing an Army to win the nation’s
independence and provide for its defense against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Based on a larger RAND study of the history of U.S. military policy from the Con-
stitution to the present, this report provides historical background to understand the
evolution of the fundamental laws that have shaped the organization of the Army and
its employment at home and overseas from the colonial era to the present day. Trough
archival research of primary sources and a survey of the historical literature, the report
traces the evolution of U.S. military policy, highlighting the legal, political, and secu-
rity compromises that contributed to a new interpretation of the Constitution’s “raise
and support armies” and “militia” clauses. Tese legal decisions were not natural or
inevitable lines drawn directly from the Constitution to the present day. Rather, the
Army of today and the laws that govern it were contingent on the resolution of broader
political, cultural, and intellectual debates over the necessity of a standing professional
force, the power of the federal government, and the principled obligation of citizens to
their Nation.
Tis report explains the origins of today’s Army and contributes to ongoing
debates over how the nation should organize and employ its Army. Tis report should
be of interest to force planners and anyone interested in the organization and employ-
ment of the Army’s three components—the Regular Army, the Army National Guard,
and the Army Reserve—and the evolution of military policy in American history.
Tis research was sponsored by Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA)
G8, Army Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Ofce, and conducted within the
RAND Arroyo Center’s Strategy, Doctrine, and Resources Program. RAND Arroyo
Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and develop-
ment center sponsored by the United States Army. Te analysis and primary evidence
in this research report is based on a larger four-volume history of U.S. military policy
from the Constitution to the present sponsored by HQDA G8, Army QDR Ofce.
Tat larger four-volume history efort has an advisory board of six leading scholars of
history, public policy, and constitutional law. Tey have provided scholarly feedback
ivThe Evolution of U.S. Military Policy from the Constitution to the Present
and criticism for each of the four volumes, and we have used their input in the writing
of this research report.
Te Project Unique Identifcation Code (PUIC) for the project that produced this
document is RAN157253.