外部环境,发现白酒企业产量和收入在从 2012 年探底两年后开始稳定筑底,行业
势、存在的劣势、面临的机遇以及潜在的威胁。通过 SWOT 分析可以看出,泸州
老窖的竞争优势较为明显。公司经历了 2012 年-2015 年的内外部动荡后业绩已经
遇较多。因此,笔者认为泸州老窖最适合采取的总体战略是 SO 战略,即利用公司
关键词: 白酒行业,泸州老窖,战略,SWOTABSTRACT
An A-share listed company, LuZhouLaoJiao, on behalf of the LuZhou-flavor liquor,
ranks the third biggest company of domestic liquor industry only after GuiZhouMaoTai
and WuLiangYe. Weighted values of ROE was 46.88% in 2012, 33.15% in 2013, and
after the liquor went into the depth adjustment the value of ROE was only 7.99% in
2014, up slightly in 2015, the weighted value of ROE was 14.74%. Luzhoulaojiao’s
business data can be treated as a microcosm of domestic liquor industry development in
recent years. At the APEC meeting in 2014, Xi Jinping expounded the meaning of
economic New Normal:the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a
medium-to-high speed growth; the economic structure is constantly improved and
upgraded; the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and
investment. How to meet business challenges and promote the development of
enterprises under the new nomal, is the problem the company need to solve.
First of all, this paper analyzed the external environment of LuZhouLaoJiao from
the economic, political, social, industrial factors and found out the productions and
incomes of liquor enterprise have started bottoming stable for two years after 2012, the
development of industry has entered the new normal caused by the upgrade consumer,
and the competition has become increasingly intense among businesses. Secondly, this
paper analyzed the internal environment of LuZhouLaoJiao from product structure,
marketing ability, capacity development, financial status, and organizational structure.
Based on the analysis of external and internal environment, this paper moved on to
refine the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and potential threats the company
currently has. Through the SWOT analysis it can be found that LuZhouLaoJiao’s
competitive advantage is more obvious. After the change of the internal and external
environment during 2012-2015, the company’s performance has bounced back stronger,
its brand advantage and channel advantage are still significant and it will have many
opportunities in the future. As a result, the author thinks the most suitable strategy for
LuZhouLaoJiao is SO strategy. Under the intrinsic resource of competence and
superiority, the company can grasp the historical opportunity to realize corner
overtaking instead of being eliminated by the market in the industry background.
Specific measures include: utilizing the middle products to capture a large share ofABSTRACT
the market; adhering to the direct distribution channel mode of operation, and pushing
vendor integration; seizing the moment to buy high quality assets; advancing mix and
employee shareholding timely; advancing the strategy of digital information; and
adapting to the new consumer demand by service innovation.
Keywords:liquor-making industry, LuZhouLaoJiao, strategy, SWOT目录
目 录
第一章 绪 论...... 1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义1
1.1.1 课题研究的背景 ..... 1
1.1.2 课题研究的意义 ..... 2
1.2 课题研究的内容、方法和理论依据 .... 2
1.2.1 课题研究的内容 ..... 2
1.2.2 课题研究的方法 ..... 4
1.2.3 课题研究的理论依据 ......... 4
第二章 泸州老窖外部环境分析 6
2.1 PEST 分析 .......... 6
2.1.1 政治环境分析 ......... 6
2.1.2 经济环境分析 ......... 8
2.1.3 社会环境分析 ....... 13
2.1.4 技术环境分析 ....... 14
2.2 白酒行业波特五力模型分析.. 15
2.2.1 企业间竞争 ........... 15
2.2.2 潜在新竞争者 ....... 18
2.2.3 潜在替代品 ........... 19
2.2.4 对供应商的议价能力 ....... 21
2.2.5 对下游客户的议价能力 ... 22
2.3 小结——白酒行业回归新常态.......... 23
第三章 泸州老窖内部环境分析.......... 25
3.1 产品结构分析 .. 25
3.1.1 高端产品国窖 1573 复苏迅速 ..... 25
3.1.2 中端产品窖龄特曲错位发力 ....... 26
3.1.3 低端产品头曲二曲逆势增长 ...