其次,基于钜盛能源煤炭营销的现状,运用 SWOT 分析方法,分析了钜盛能
With the continuous deepening of the coal industry supply side reforms, greatly
reduced the coal production capacity , optimize the supply structure of the coal
industry, the coal m arket demand is expect ed to rise, scientific and orderly , coal
supply situation of green environm ental protection is expected to appear soon.In this
context, the huge ener gy company is now facing m arket competition, customer
motivation, customer service, marketing and other issues, coal marketing has become
a constraint to the deve lopment of the company&39;s ceiling.Based on this, the hug e
energy company how to crack the producti on capacity of the background of the
development of m arketing difficulties, the com pany&39;s marketing strategy is
undoubtedly a new challenge.
First of all, this paper describes the background, significance and methods of this
study, reviews the research s tatus at hom e and abroad, a nd illustrates the m ain
contents of this study.This paper briefly introduces the relevant theories of marketing,
and expounds in detail the two m ain aspects of the macro environment of the coal
market and the micro environment of the energy company.
Secondly, based on the status quo of JuSheng ener gy of coal marketing , it uses
SWOT analysis method to analyze the main problems in JuSheng ener gy product
strategy, pricing strategy , channel strate gy, promotion strategy, marketing talent
Finally, in view of the existing problems, combined with the actual situation of
the company put forward tar geted optimization design. First, this paper form ulates
specific implementation principles and obj ectives optimization scheme, and from
product strategy, pricing strategy , channel strategy, promotion strategy and other
aspects of the im plementation of brand development strategy optimization;Second,
the safeguard measures of optimization scheme are established from the company&39;s
cultural system construction, cost control, personnel building, science and technology
development and risk control and other aspects .
In the supply side reform environment, the actual situation of the coal industry
and the actual datasun ener gy company based on a series of marketing optimization
measures proposed, to is in the strategic adjustment of the datasun energy company, in
order to meet the requirements of the national macroeconomic policy, for enterprise&39;sIV
healthy and sustainable development, will p lay an im portant guiding role, and
improve the marketing strategy of enterprise s in the sam e industry also has certain
reference significance.
Key words: Supply-side reform;JuSheng energy;Coal marketing;Optimization
目 录
第 1 章 绪论.........1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义..1
1.1.1 研究背景1
1.1.2 研究意义2
1.2 国内外研究现状..........2
1.2.1 境外研究现状....2
1.2.2 国内研究现状....4
1.3 研究方法和研究内容..5
1.3.1 研究方法5
1.3.2 研究内容6
第 2 章 相关理论概述.8
2.1 STP 目标营销...8
2.2 4P 营销组合.....8
2.3 4C 营销组合.....9
2.4 波特五力分析模型....10
第 3 章 钜盛能源公司营销环境分析12
3.1 钜盛能源公司简介....12
3.2 钜盛能源公司经营状况分析12
3.3 煤炭市场宏观环境分析........15
3.3.1 自然环境分析..15
3.3.2 经济环境分析..16
3.3.3 政治环境分析..16
3.3.4 技术环境分析..17
3.3.5 社会环境分析..17
3.4 钜盛能源公司中微观环境分析........18
3.4.1 顾客分析..........18
3.4.2 潜在进入者分析..........18
3.4.3 供应者分析......19
3.4.4 行业内部竞争..19
3.4.5 行业外部竞争..19
第 4 章 钜盛能源公司营销现状分析21
4.1 钜盛能源公司业务 SWOT 分析.......21VI
4.1.1 钜盛能源公司营销的优势与劣势......21
4.1.2 钜盛能源公司营销的机遇与威胁......22
4.1.3 基于 SWOT 分析的营销组合策略....24
4.2 钜盛能源公司市场营销策略存在的主要问题........25
4.2.1 产品策略存在的问题..25
4.2.2 定价策略存在的问题