第 ii页
Rural tourism as the new industry combination of the first and the third industry,
widen the channels of farmers income, to absorb a large number of surplus labor force,
improve the added value of agriculture, promote the transformation of traditional
agriculture to modern agriculture. In our country Rural tourism has began to take shape,
In 2016, China rural tourism achieve 1.36 billion traveller; Gradually achieve the rural
tourism from small tourism to larger tourism. In our country ,from the analysis on
maturity Zhejiang province is the best one, followed by the Shaanxi province, the third
is the Sichuan province.Hunan and the rural tourism of Hunan wuling mountain area
is still at the primary stage, in the development of rural tourism have so many problems
should be resolved.Such as ,The low degree of community residents to participate in,
unjust distribution of interests, the vicious competition between operators and other
negative problems. As Tourism plan “and “rural tourism poverty alleviation project has
enacted ,Our country and people place high hopes on the development of Hunan rural
tourism in wuling mountain area.
In this paper, we analysis the government&39;s leading foreign business investment
leading community collective leading residents individual dominant model ,
Management mode of Hunan Wuling mountain area rural tourism development and
summarize general characteristics; we had determined to four kinds of community
residents in the rural tourism development and management mode study on
questionnaire of Hunan Wuling mountain area. Compared and analysis the four patterns
of the interests of the community residents demands of Hunan Wuling mountain area
and put forward the problems of the rural tourism development and management mode,
summarized as infrastructure is imperfect, “tragedy of the Commons”phenomenon is
serious, the community participation not guaranteed; In government-led investment and
foreign enterprises leading the development of the existing in the management mode of
profit distribution is not uniform, the low participation enthusiasm of community
residents; In the community collective leading and individual residents leading
development and management mode, the main trouble is imperfect and the vicious
competition between residents. Give suggestions of Hunan rural tourism development
and management mode according to the interests of the community residents of the rural
tourism demands in Wuling mountain area.
Key Words:Rural tourism,Stakeholder,Development management model,Community
participation第一章 绪论
第 1页
第一章 绪论
第一节 研究背景
20 世纪 80 年代,我国的乡村旅游开始兴起,但目前仍处在乡村旅游发展的初
级阶段。2011 年,农业部和旅游局共同发布全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范县有 70
个、全国休闲农业示范点有 200 个。2015 年“全国乡村旅游提升与旅游扶贫推进
民脱贫致富工作中的作用。会议指出争取到 2020 年,我国农村居民一千二百万能