宝类基金男性投资者感知风险影响高于女性;宝类基金投资主体多集中于 18-25
Based on the previous research results and research methods, combined with the
characteristics of the Bao class fund products, this paper has analyzed the relationship
between the perceived risk and investment intention, as well as investment behavior.
Based on the technology acceptance model, the theory of planned behavior and
perceived risk theory,this thesis has combine and adjust the theoretical model, forming
a model of investment intention and behavior of Bao class fund , and carry out the
In this thesis, through the analysis of the model as well as the data, we can draw
the following conclusions:
(1) In all kinds of perceived risks, investors&39; risk perception based on their own
psychological and financial gains and losses is greater than the risk perception of
technical operation and function based on investment products.
(2)Male investors&39; perception of risk is higher than female ; Bao class fund
investors are mainly young people aged 18-25 years, the perception of risk of
different age groups have no significant differents;The investors of lower education
have a higher level of risk-perception; Compared to high income groups, low income
groups are more sensitive to perceived risk; Funds class fund investors have a stronger
perceived risk and which strongly offsets the investment intentions, and other factors
have little difference.
(3) Perceived behavioral ability plays a significant role in the effect of
perceived risk on investment intention and investment behavior.
For the results of the empirical analysis, we give some reasonable explanations
and suggestions on the level of design, marketing as well as management of the Bao
class fund: Disclose corporate information to consumers as much as possible; Provide
products and service that is of good quality;Establish brand image and cultivate
customer loyalty; Devide market accurately and differentiate marketing.
KEYWORDS:Perceived risk,Investment intention,Investment behavior,Risk
目 录
摘要........ I
第一章 引言......1
1.1 研究背景..........1
1.1.1 经济发展带来居民理财需求的增长....1
1.1.2 传统理财不能满足低净值人群理财需求........2
1.1.3 低净值人群理财困境被宝类基金所打破........2
1.2 研究目的和意义..........4
1.2.1 研究目的4
1.2.2 研究意义4
1.3 研究方法..........6
1.3.1 文献分析法........6
1.3.2 问卷调查法........6
1.3.3 定量分析法........6
1.3.4 案例分析法........6
1.4 研究框架与主要成果..6
1.5 研究创新及贡献..........8
1.5.1 研究视角的创新8
1.5.2 整合模型的应用创新....8
1.5.3 研究方法的创新8
第二章 理论基础及文献综述..9
2.1 技术接受模型..9
2.2 计划行为理论(TPB)........... 10
2.3 感知风险........12
2.3.1 感知风险的定义..........12
2.3.2 感知风险的构面..........13
2.3.3 降低感知风险的策略..15
第三章 研究假设与模型........19
3.1 研究假设的提出........19
3.2 理论模型的构建........20VI
第四章 研究方案的设计与数据分析23
4.1 研究方案设计23
4.1.1 总体感知风险和投资意向行为..........23
4.1.2 不同类感知风险和投资行为..25
4.1.3 调查量表与数据收集..25
4.2 数据分析........28
4.2.1 信度与效度分析..........28
4.2.2 结构模型分析..28
4.3 假设检验........29
4.4 研究结果分析29
4.4.1 风险感知因子分析......30
4.4.2 不同人群投资行为与感知风险对比..30
第五章 余额宝的感知风险管理实践35
5.1 余额宝的感知风险....35
5.1.1 功能风险...