关键词:旅游产业 休闲农业 开发 产业化IV
With the rapid development of our country&39;s economy, the living standard of the people
is increasing day by day. In this context, people are no longer satisfied with the simple pursuit
of material needs, began to pursue the spiritual level of demand. Tourism is our country in
recent years, the gradual rise of the industry, and now the development is very rapid, and its
great to meet the needs of people&39;s leisure. And for regional economic development, the
development of the tourism industry will undoubtedly be able to effectively promote
economic development, and promote the overall progress of regional economy. Visible,
vigorously develop the tourism industry, is an important means to enhance economic strength
in many areas.
Yuanshi County is an important tourist County of Shijiazhuang city and surrounding areas, it
has plenty of tourist resources, but also a very rich leisure agriculture resources, which makes
the developing tourism industry has had the possibility. Vigorously in Hebei Province to
support the background of tourism development, Yuanshi County should actively meet the
development trend, the continuous development and improve the tourism industry, further
integration of tourism resources, increase the development and market development
investment, to create a good environment for the tourism industry, to provide support for the
development of county tourism industry.
The in Yuanshi County as an example, the development of the tourism industry research,
analyze the existed in the process of development problems, and put forward the
corresponding countermeasures, hope to be able to provide the necessary support for the
development of tourism in Yuanshi County.
Key words: tourism industry leisure agriculture development industrializationV
目 录
1 绪论...1
1.1 研究背景与意义...........1
1.1.1 研究背景...1
1.1.2 研究意义...1
1.2 国内外研究现状...........2
1.2.1 国外研究现状.......2
1.2.2 国内研究现状.......3
1.3 研究内容与方法...........4
1.4 本文研究框架...5
2 本文理论基础...........6
2.1 相关概念解析...6
2.1.1 旅游资源...6
2.1.2 旅游资源整合.......6
2.1.3 深度开发...6
2.2 基本理论...........6
2.2.1 定位理论...6
2.2.2 SWOT 分析..7
2.2.3 比较优势理论.......7
2.2.4 区位理论...7
3 元氏县旅游行业发展现状及存在的问题...8
3.1 元氏县旅游资源状况...8
3.1.1 旅游资源数量众多、类型丰富...8
3.1.2 旅游资源分布相对集中...9
3.1.3 资源特色突出,具有良好开发潜力.........9
3.1.4 区位地缘条件优越.........10
3.2 元氏县旅游行业发展状况.....11VI
3.2.1 旅游产业发展迅速.........11
3.2.2 对其他行业带动能力强.11
3.2.3 休闲旅游和文化旅游发展较快.12
3.2.4 产品结构相对简单.........12
3.2.5 旅游资源整合效果较差.13
4 元氏县旅游行业战略环境分析.....14
4.1 元氏县旅游行业的优势分析.14
4.2 元氏县旅游行业的劣势分析.15
4.3 元氏县旅游行业的机遇分析.16
4.4 元氏县旅游行业的威胁分析.17
4.5 元氏县旅游行业发展的 SWOT 矩阵分析.......18
4.5.1 SO 战略组合.......