根据 SUV 的市场特点明确产品的核心竞争对手,然后对 SUV 市场细分、目标
用户群进行分析,确定该款 SUV 产品的目标定位。接着,根据营销学的理论基
础,对 mu-X 产品预热、预售、上市、巩固期的四个阶段,针对性的提出各时
关键词:数字营销;江西五十铃;移动互联;ISUZU mu-XAbstract
With the application and development on Internet and Mobile interconnection
technology, consumer can grab information with more various ways. The traditional
marketing methods, such as TV, newspaper and magazine, cannot satisfy the
consumer anymore. Proposing and applying the concept of digital marketing makes
up the shortcomings of traditional way. With the development of Chinese economy,
more and more requirements of automobile will be from normal family. In the
meantime, marketing inside the country continuously increases year by year, which
makes the automobile market in China a battleground. Currently, the competition on
the automobile is more and more intensive, accompanied by participation with joint
venture brand, rising up with independent brand and localization with high-end
luxury brand. In this situation, it is extremely important to implement digital
The article is based on the SWOT analysis for mu-X product of Jiangxi Isuzu
Motor Ltd. Key competitor comes out by market characteristics of SUV. And with
market details of SUV and analysis of target users, product goals of the SUV can be
confirmed. From the marketing science's perspective, there are four phases,
including warming up, pre-sales, listing and consolidation for mu-X. Prepare the
communication strategy and media plan for each phase. In addition to promotion via
online Internet, constructing digital marketing platform is used meanwhile to
implement the end to end service from online advertisement and collecting
information of customer to real shopping in the store. In the end, by monitoring the
progress of solution implementation, evaluation items can be clarified. Then
resources, performance and financial security can be proposed.
Keywords: Digital Market; Jiangxi Isuzu; Mobile Interconnection; ISUZU mu-X;目录
目 录
第 1 章 绪论.....1
1.1 研究背景和意义.1
1.1.1 研究背景......1
1.1.2 研究意义......2
1.2 相关文献综述.....2
1.2.1 国外研究现状..........2
1.2.2 国内研究现状..........3
1.3 研究的思路和方法.........5
1.3.1 文献研究法..5
1.3.2 案例分析法..5
1.3.3 归纳总结法..5
1.4 研究框架.6
第 2 章 数字营销研究的理论基础.....7
2.1 数字营销内涵.....7
2.2 理论基础.7
2.2.1 STP 分析法 ...7
2.2.2 SWOT 分析法...........8
2.2.3 直复营销理论..........8
2.2.4 关系营销理论..........9
2.2.5 软营销理论10
2.3 数字营销与传统营销的对比...11
2.4 汽车行业数字营销现状...........11
2.4.1 数字营销总体状况11
2.4.2 汽车行业数字营销现状....15
第 3 章 江西五十铃汽车公司 MU-X 发展的 SWOT 分析.17
3.1 江西五十铃及其 MU-X 产品发展概况17
3.1.1 江西五十铃发展概况........17
3.1.2 mu-X 产品发展概况...........18目录
3.2 优势分析...........19
3.2.1 柴油发动机性能优良........19
3.2.2 品牌的影响力深远19
3.2.3 油耗低、越野性强、高安全性....20
3.3 劣势分析...........20
3.3.1 柴油发动机份额低20
3.3.2 五十铃品牌在乘用车领域影响力较低....20
3.3.3 工艺水准较低........21
3.4 机会分析...........22
3.4.1 SUV 市场持续增长22
3.4.2 二孩政策催生新的市场需求........22
3.4.3 同档次竞品较少....23
3.5 威胁分析...........23
3.5.1 SUV 竞争加剧........23
3.5.2 越野性能的宣传对家庭用户有负面影响23
3.5.3 公司营销预算低....24
3.6 小结.......24
第 4 章 江西五十铃汽车公司 MU-X 的目标市场分析....25
4.1SUV 总体市场分析.......25
4.1.1 市场环境....25
4.1.2 需求结构....26
4.1.3 mu-X 的竞争对手分析.......30
4.2SUV 市场细分...32
4.3 目标群市场选择分析...34
4.3.1 mu-X 目标客户群分析.......35
4.3.2 消费者媒体接触习惯........36
4.4 目标市场定位...37
第 5 章 江西五十铃汽车公司 MU-X 数字营销方案...........40
5.1MU-X 数字营销方案的指导思想..........40
5.2MU-X 互联网传播策略..40
5.2.1 预热期传播策略....40目录
5.2.2 预售期传播策略....40
5.2.3 上市期传播策略....41
5.2.4 巩固期传播策略....44
5.3MU-X 媒体策略分析......45
5.3.1 目标受众触媒洞察45
5.3.2 媒体计划....46
5.3.3 媒体选择....47
5.3.4 广告形式....48
5.4 数字营销平台建设策略...........49
5.4.1 数字营销体系建设目标....50
5.4.2 数字营销平台建设50
第 6 章 MU-X 数字营销方案的实施及保障52
6.1MU-X 数字营销方案的实施......52
6.2MU-X 数字营销方案实施的保障措施..53
第 7 章 结论与展望...54
7.1 研究结论...........54
7.2 研究展望...........54
致 谢.55
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
1.1.1 研究背景
持续增长。1 月中旬,中国汽车工业协会发布的汽车生产和销售数据显示,
年国内市场汽车生产量达到 2450 万辆,汽车销售量接近 2460 万辆,较上一年
度年有百分之三到四的增长,增幅开始有所放缓。该协会预测 2016 年全年中国
汽车销量可达 2.6 亿辆左右,增长约百分之六。乘用车市场的刚性需求比较大,