Because of our country's many years of one-child policy, the only child has
become a synonym of China, coupled with the improvement of living levels, early
education has become the focus of attention of many families in China. Under this
background, foreign early childhood institutions have settled in China and China's
native early education institutions also have appeared like mushroom. In this way,
increasingly fierce competition and consumer demand characteristics become
gradually obvious, consumers are often reluctant to speak directly to the own needs or
and I don't know clearly what are the requirements, the implicit demand will become
the important wealth of the enterprise development, also is decisive affection for the
enterprise to get a outstanding position in the market.
This paper begins with the analysis of the realistic background and the theory
background of early childhood institutions and consumer implicit demand and
elaborates the significance and current situation of the study. Then review the related
research of consumer implicit demand, understand the definition and classification of
implicit demand, from the three aspects of STP strategy, marketing mix strategy and
service strategy on marketing innovation and establishes the theoretical basis of
writing text. Then the status of early education industry and small jungle early
childhood center are introduced in this paper, summed up the advantages and
disadvantages of the Small Jungle Early Learning Center, the opportunity and threat
of the market, on the basis of this, STP analysis, and developed a small jungle Early
Childhood Center specific marketing strategies, including pricing strategy channel
strategy, high-end product strategy, flexibility of brand strategy, the difference of
experience. Finally, in order to ensure the implementation of new small jungle early
childhood center marketing strategy should be given protection from four aspects of
personnel, service, system, capital and others.
From this study, we find that the marketing strategy of Small Jungle Early Learning
Center is suitable for the current market, after all, consumers now are all rational, and
education industry products and services are virtual, consumers only can get the
affection in the process of consumption. Therefore, the reform and renewal of the mix
marketing strategy for Small Jungle Childhood Center have brought many customers
and benefit, and brand building activities of Small Jungle Early Childhood Center6
have deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The study provides a theoretical
guidance for the marketing activities of the Small Jungle, but also be a great reference
for other similar organizations.
Key words: early education institutions; implicit demand; marketing7
目 录
摘 要 .......... 错误!未定义书签
ABSTRACT ........ 错误!未定义书签
1.1 研究背景 ......9
1.2 研究意义和现状 ...........10
1.2.1 研究意义 .10
1.2.2 研究现状 .11
1.3 研究内容和方法 ...........12
1.3.1 研究内容 .12
1.3.2 研究方法 .12
1.4 技术路线 .....13
2 相关理论基础及文献述评........15
2.1 消费者隐性需求相关研究回顾 ...........15
2.1.1 消费者隐性需求的界定与分类........15
2.2 基于隐性需求的营销模式 ...22
2.2.1 需求营销模式发展历程 .22
2.2.2 隐性需求营销模式架构 .23
2.3 隐性需求营销策略 .........25
2.4 早期教育与早期教育产品 ...28
2.4.1 早期教育涵义 .........28
2.4.2 早期教育产品 .........29
3 小丛林早教中心目标市场与隐性需求分析 ......31
3.1 早期教育行业现状与问题分析 ...........31
3.1.1 早期教育行业现状分行 .31
3.1.2 早教中心开展市场营销面临的障碍 ...34
3.2 小丛林早教中心的目标市场与需求分析 ...35
3.2.1 小丛林产品及发展现状 .35
3.2.2 小丛林产品的优势与劣势分析 .......36
3.2.3 小丛林产品的市场机会与威胁分析 ...38
3.3 小丛林产品 STP 分析 .......38
3.3.1 小丛林的市场细分 .....39
3.3.2 小丛林产品的目标市场 .40
3.3.3 目标顾客的隐性需求分析 ...........40
3.3.4 小丛林的市场定位 .....44
4 小丛林早教中心营销策略的制定 ..478
4.1 体验式产品策略 ...........47
4.1.1 创造身体体验过程 .....48
4.1.2 培养员工良好的行为和态度 .........48
4.1.3 提供全方位感官体验 ...48
4.2 灵活的渠道策略 ...........49
4.2.1 充分利用新兴渠道 .....50
4.2.2 深入挖掘传统渠道 .....50
4.3 高端化的品牌策略 .........51
4.3.1 提供优质服务 .........52
4.3.2 主动借势推广 .........52
4.3.3 构建监控体系 .........52
4.4 差异化的定价策略 .........53
5 小丛林早教中心营销策略的实施保障 ..........57
5.1 人员保障 .....57
5.2 服务保障 .....58
5.3 制度保障 .....59
5.4 资金保障 .....60
6 总结与展望 .......63
6.1 结论 .........63
6.2 展望 .........64
参考文献 ...........659
1 引言
1.1 研究背景
的关键性作用。人一生的起点和基础年龄段是 0-6 岁,是否合理的早期教育成为
影响。0-6 岁是儿童性格形成的重要关键时期,也是大脑快速成长的时期,重视
我国的国民素质、顺利的实施文化强国战略方针。 年 4 月 10 日,《国家
发展规划纲要(—2020 年)》,重视婴幼儿早期教育,稳步推进学前教育,构
规划了 0-6 岁婴幼儿早期教育,指出学前教育对于幼儿身心健康、习惯的养成、
20 世纪 90 年代初至今,幼儿早期教育市场营销在西方一些发达国家已经开