In the first decade of 21
century, with the rapid development of building
materials industry and economy in China, along with the fast pace of globalization,
development of cement equipment industry in China gradually reached a peak, after
then, the industry have begun to atrophy. The future life and development of cement
equipment enterprises be placed in jeopardy, therefore, speeding up the transformation
and enhancing core competitiveness have become the key factors for cement
equipment enterprises. The revolution of technology and the rapid development of the
Multi-National Corporation's drive the integration of world economy, global economy
formed a balance situation which competition and cooperation coexist. In the global
scope, the factors of production achieve the optimization and integration because of the
rapid development of Multi-National Corporation, so that the labor division of global
manufacturing has to change to adapt the new requests.
At present, the development of equipment industry for cement building materials
in China has to accelerate. Speeding up the transformation of development mode,
sustaining implementation the development strategy which is “continuing technological
innovation, making project bigger and stronger” are the key factors for forming the
equipment manufacturing suppliers which have international competitiveness. Facing
the internationalization strategy, Chinese cement equipment enterprises have to analyze
the current internal and external forms, strengthen the study and practice of modern
marketing concept, theories and methods, especially the full range of marketing ideas
including relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing,
performance marketing and other aspects of the application which create the economic
and social benefits for the enterprise and society.
Based on the summary of development situation and problems for the domestic
cement equipment enterprises in China, combining with the development
characteristics of domestic and foreign trade, as well as the overseas marketing trend,
this thesis analyzes macro environment of international marketing, describes the
international marketing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with the
SWOT, determines the position of cement equipment manufacturing enterprises in the
future , formulates the stable strategies and measures for international marketing.
Key words: cement equipment;internationalization; marketing strategy; position;
the choice of the business model
目 录
绪论 .....1
1.1 选题背景和意义...1
1.2 论文研究的目的和内容...2
1.3 本论文研究的方法及构架...........2
水泥装备企业国际化的理论和综述 .5
2.1 研究对象...5
2.2 水泥装备...5
2.3 水泥装备企业国际化营销战略...6
2.3.1 国际化的目的 ..........6
2.3.2 企业国际化的相关因素 ......7
2.3.3 企业国际营销战略的风险 ..8
2.4 全方位营销的理念...........8
2.4.1 关系营销 ......9
2.4.2 整合营销 ....10
2.4.3 内部营销 ....10
2.4.4 绩效营销 ....11
中国水泥装备企业的发展现状 .......12
3.1 水泥装备企业发展现状.12
3.1.1. 建立了自主创新的科技体系 ........12
3.1.2. 水泥装备加工能力持续提升 ........12
3.1.3. 积极参与国际竞争 13
3.1.4. 国际化道路面临的困难 ....13
3.2 水泥装备市场分析.........14
3.2.1 国际市场 ....14
3.2.2 国内市场 ....17
3.3 水泥装备供给分析.........18
3.3.1 国内水泥装备企业产能 ....18
3.3.2 水泥装备制造行业竞争态势分析 19
3.3.3 与国外主要竞争者综合评价对比 20
3.3.4 国内企业与国际企业管理要素对比 ........21
3.3.5 对国际水泥装备知名品牌 F.L.Smidth 分析 ......23
3.4 未来市场面临的机遇.....30
3.4.1 建设环境友好型、资源节约型是产业发展目标 30
3.4.2 推动科技创新,创造产业价值 ....30
3.4.3 促进企业结构调整,培育中国跨国公司 30
3.4.4 世界水泥工业发展提供新的挑战 31
我国水泥装备企业目标市场和定位 ...........32
4.1 我国水泥装备企业 SWOT 分析 ...........32
4.1.1 外部环境机会 ........32
4.1.2 外部环境威胁 ........34
4.1.3 水泥装备制造内部条件分析 ........36
4.2 行业国际市场定位和业务模式选择.....40
国际化营销战略和措施 .......42
5.1 成本领先战略.....42
5.2 跨国营销方式的选择.....44
5.2.1 贸易式跨国营销 ....44
5.2.2 契约式跨国营销 ....45
5.2.3 投资式跨国营销 ....45
5.3 营销渠道策略.....46
5.3.1 加强水泥装备企业与知名工程公司合作共赢 ....46
5.3.2 通过国内的机械进出口公司 ........47
5.3.3 直接进入国际市场竞争 ....47
5.3.4 选择优秀的代理商 47
5.3.5 与外国公司以合资方式建立营销渠道 ....47
5.3.6 网络营销渠道的建设 ........47
5.4 国际化战略实施几个策略.........48
5.4.1 国际化营销的管理体系建设 ........49
5.4.2 生产国际化 51
5.4.3 研发创新国际化 ....51
5.4.4 技术标准国际化 ....51
5.4.5 管理人才国际化 ....52
5.4.6 按照国际市场游戏规则参与市场竞争 ....525.4.7 做大客户服务业务,提升服务内涵 ........52
结论与展望 ...54
6.1 结论.........54
6.2 展望.........55
致 谢…..…..58