人力资源管理和 E-learning 系统理论,通过对秦发电公司 E-learning 项目的需求分析、
实施及效果评估,对基于知识管理的 E-learning 系统的实施关键因素进行了探讨。本
滞后之间的矛盾和科学实施 E-learning 系统进行了分析和探讨。
首先,介绍了知识管理和 E-learning 等相关知识,包括知识管理的定义目标及价
值,E-learning 的定义、特点及相关标准,并详细阐述了基于知识管理的 E-learning
系统具有的功能和特点。再次,详细分析了秦发电公司 E-learning 系统的使用效果及
成因、系统存在不足及改进措施。最后,本文介绍了企业实施 E-learning 项目的一些
本文在借鉴前人研究成果基础之上,分析了 E-learning 系统在大型电力企业开发
的应用及评估情况,对同类型电厂 E-learning 项目的实施具有一定的借鉴意义。
With the development of the theory of Human Resources Management, as well as the
popularity of computer network technology, E-learning system is becoming one of the
important means of enterprise staff training. domestic and international numerous online
college such as GE, times guanghua school of management college ELN institute,
university of China telecom and China merchants bank, by importing the E-learning
system, make the enterprise individual and organizational performance are improved, but
there are also some enterprises in the implementation of E-learning effect is not
significan,Its reason is worth analysis and discussed.
Qinhuangdao Power Generation Co., Ltd (QD)as the object of study, the use of the
system theory of modern human resource management and E-learning, of project the QD
generation E-learning, needs analysis, design, implementation, and application specify the
E-learning system is very effective regardless of improved personal performance or
business performance, the system can be a substantial increase in power enterprise's core
competitiveness, conducive to the sustainable development of enterprises. Found the
problem, analyzing problem and solve the problem of principle, to the enterprise
continuously development and lag the contradiction between the level of human resources
and scientific implementation of E-learning system are analyzed and discussed.
First of all, expounds the E-learning, knowledge management, including the
definition of E-learning and international standards, this paper introduces the definition,
connotation of knowledge management and organizational framework, this paper
expounds E-learning system architecture and the maturity model. Secondly, the QD power
generation company training is analyzed, including the original training model, training
system, the main problems existing in the training, then introduces the design of QD
power generation company E-learning system frame and composition; This article details
the QD power generation company E-learning system design and function subsystem,
including training, regular training, management knowledge base, exam management,
online discussion module in detail. Finally, in view of the E-learning training system, the
improving measures are put forward, and the new trend of development of the E-learning
system is discussed.
Based on the analysis on the basis of predecessors' research results, analysis of the
E-learning system in the large power enterprises development and the success of the main
factors in the development of E-learning system and put forward constructive Suggestions
for its implementation.
Keywords:E-learning; knowledge management; staff training; training management;