山西临汾中骏国际社区 营 销 策 略 报 告 technological capability . century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art their the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that · 前 言 当前全中国房地产正处于高度急速发展的成长状态, 但以富藏煤矿闻名全国的临汾地区, 房地产却仍只在起步阶段。从对临汾楼市整体走访调查发现, 临汾的房地产开发水平与其经济发展存在相当大的差距。消费者对优质的产品并非没有接受能力,而是缺少优秀的产品来刺激和引导消费观念的提升。随着开发量的增加,竞争的加强,未来消费者对房产性价比的追求将逐渐显现出来。 本项目的开发正处于临汾房产发展水平的转变期, 如何导入具有前瞻性的策划理念,成为临汾走向成熟的一个标志,是我们对本项目报告重要的思考和建议。 If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art their the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that