If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times. If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times. If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times. 这是一场时间与速度的竞赛。 从07年的宏观调控、08年金融危机到09年的全球救经济行动 面对牵一发动全身的全球化经济 瞬息万变的市场动向,让未来变得更加难以预测 中国经济体质的强劲,让国内市场快速从谷底反弹,但也同时让通膨现象加速 股神巴菲特说:当市场越疯狂时候,我们越要冷静以对 现今的房地产市场正处于机会与风险并存的时刻 房价会因预期通膨心理,短期持续攀升 预计未来中央会因抑制过快通膨,将祭出一道道调控指令 在这敏感多变的市场,我们从中深刻体认:快,是现今企业最佳的应变之道 削尖策略、磨利眼光、掌握时机、快速迎变,才能在面对一次次的变化赢得战役! 前言