With the fast development of China economic, the efficiency of the operation is becoming
to be more important in all kinds of enterprises. Sales number is not the unique target of a lot
of modern company, but it comes to be very important for recommending the advanced
operation process, reducing the cost, improving the efficiency, eliminating the resource non
valued process and waste. Sales and Manufacture teams are not working individually any
more like before, but need to creative work as a team. The every department have to consider
mutually each other and focus on each cycle in the whole supply chain.
We will analysis the operation process based on the market competition round PH company
and make the adjustment according to the issues existed in sales forecast and production
management. In the article we will use some kinds of demand forecast analysis method to
discuss and research the current sales forecast in the company and thai we can improve the
accuracy of manufacture forecast and try to research the most suitable analysis method. After
the correct forecast result has been got, we will use Sales & Operation Plan (S&OP) to
resolve the problems of high level inventory and low rate of on time delivery due to the varied
sales forecast. Then we will use three kinds of data analysis method to compare the
importance of demand planning and manufacture management based on the actual sales
revenue and manufacture capacity in PH company and the core value of cost reduction and
high efficiency.
Keywords: Production Management Demand management; Demand forecast; Sale &
Operation Plan