本文以 A 公司的产品研发流程管理体系为主要研究对象,依据对关
键因素分析的结论,挖掘其中的缺陷和不足,进而根据 A 公司各层次的
战略要求和电信产品市场竞争的要求,对 A 公司尤其是中国区的产品研
发管理流程体系进行了改进和优化,从而帮助 A 公司中国区的产品研发
研发管理流程的研究分析和优化实践不仅给 A 公司在全球范围的产品研
In 21
centry, the high technology companies are growing fast and
become the important power to drive global economic growing. However, in
these industries, the competition is intense. To win the market and keep the
company growing, it is an important topic for these high technology
companies how to sustainedly improve the product development capability
and quality. Among many important elements which will affect the capability
and quality, product development process is one of the key.
It summarizes the competition status of global telecommunication
industry and points out the key elements to win the product competition from
product development view in this thesis. After the study of the relationship
among these key elements, it is discovered that product development process
improvement is an efficient way to improve the product competitive strength.
The product development process of company A is the study subject of
this thesis. Through the in-depth analysis, this thesis discovers the defect and
weakness of the product development process of company A. At last, this
thesis gives the proposal to improve the product development process of
company A, especially for the China region of company A. With the
improvement proposal, the product quality, product development cycle and
cost are continually improved in China region of company。。。