Porter Competitive Model
•Breaks an industry into logical parts,
analyzes them and puts them back together.
• Avoids viewing the industry too narrowly.
• Provides an understanding of the structure
of an industry’s business environment.
• Provides an understanding of competitive
threats to an industry.
Intraindustry Rivalry
􀂄 - Deals with nature and degree of competition
among companies in the same industry.
􀂄 * industry size, structure, market & financial
performance, dominant companies, typical
competitive strategies, core competencies, global
implications, industry trends
Bargaining Powers of Buyers
􀂄 - Comes from customers within the industry.
􀂄 * who are the real customers, whether customer has
significant power, why do they have power, what
benefits do they get from their power (Example:
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
- Refers to the key providers of products and
services within the industry.
* what is the nature of product or service provided?
Is it unique? (Example: Intel)
Threat of New Entrants
- Represents the possibility of additional companies
starting competing in the industry.
* are there factors that would discourage entering