广州福妮格医疗用品有限公司员工手册Guangzhou Fortunique Limited HandbookContent 目录前 言 Foreword公 司 简 介 Brief Introduction聘 用 制 度 Recruiting Management4.薪 酬 制 度 Salary System5.工作时间和休假 Working Hours & Holidays6.培训及职业发展 Training and Career Development7.健康与安全 Health & Safety8.员 工 交 流 Employees Communication9.工 作 守 则 Employees Rules前言Foreword广州福妮格医疗用品有限公司热烈欢迎您的加入!无论您担任什么职位,您将是我们团队之中的一位重要成员。我们相信,您的到来必定会对公司的发展注入新的活力与能量!We warmly welcome you to our company! Irrespective of the position you hold, you are a valued member of our team. We believe that your joining shall bring us new life & energy!这是您的手册。它是为了消除您到一个新的工作岗位的陌生感而设计的。它能帮助您了解一些非常重要的信息,如员工福利,工作规章,人事制度及在公司各部门的情况。This is YOUR Handbook. It is designed to help you feel comfortable in your new position by acquainting you with some very important information such as benefits, rules, and personnel policies, as well as various support and service departments in our company.请仔细阅读您手册上的内容并小心保留以作为以后工作的指引。不时翻阅将有助于记忆其中内容,对您的日常工作带来帮助。如对此手册有任何的疑问,请随时与您的部门主管或人事行政部经理联系,我们非常乐意为您解答或与您同共探讨。Please read your Handbook carefully and keep it for future reference. Reviewing it from time to time will help you refresh your memory about information that affects you on a daily basis in your role. If you find any of the information unclear or have any questions, please contact your department head or the HR & Admin. Manager, who will be very glad to help you.当您阅读完其中内容,我们希望是您认同成为公司的一份子的开始。请谨记,对公司及您的工作有越多的了解,您会越享受到公司及工作给您带来的乐趣。After you read through this handbook, we hope it will be a pleasant beginning for you in our company. Remember, the more you know about the company and your role, the more you will enjoy your work.公司珍视您,我们希望这段宾主关系能给您带来愉快而丰收的经历。Our company values you and we hope you will find your employment both a happy and a rewarding experience.广州福妮格医疗用品有限公司Guangzhou Fortunique Limited人事行政部 HR & Admin. Department第一章 公司简介Chapter 1 Brief Introduction 公司的指导原则 The golden rule of the company为个人提供职业发展和提升的机会,和谐与愉快的工作环境。We strive to Provide individual career development and promotion opportunities, together with a harmonious and happy working environment向客户提供优质产品,满足客户的需求Provide high quality products, to fulfill delight customers requirement.?核心价值观 Core Valuation 客户为先,不断进取 Customer-oriented, with continuous improvement.态度积极,高度负责 Positive attitude, together with high responsibility相互尊重,团队精神 Respect for each other and enjoy the team spirit发挥潜能,成就共享 Develop potential and share in achievement第二章 聘用管理Chapter 2 Recruiting Management一.聘用原则Recruitment principle 公司坚持以“公开招聘、公平竞争、择优录取”的方式录用员工。‘Recruit openly, with fair competition and selection of the best’ is the principle of our recruitment strategy.公司对所有员工提供平等的就业机会,不因种簇、肤色、宗教信仰、性别、国籍、年龄、残疾或其它受法律保护的范畴而有任何偏见或歧视。The company provides equal working opportunities for all employees, no matter their race, color, religion, gender, nationality, age, disability and any other reason that being protected by law, all employees shall be treated without any discrimination.