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“Hankbook员工手册PDF”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
1. 欢迎信 Welcome Letter 亲爱的同事: 欢迎您加入****酒店! **酒店集团是全球最大型的酒店公司之一,***,而且这个数字还在保持不断地增长。 我们的目的就是要使每一位客人,不管他是来自海外或国内,都留恋往返,只有这样我们的信誉和事业才能与 日俱增,我们追崇尽可能最高的水准。这样就需要有大家必须遵守的酒店店规,这本《员工手册》可以帮助你了解, 在这里你应该做什么,不应该做什么。当然,在您有任何疑问时,您所属的部门经理及人力资源部会尽力解答您的 问题。另外您还可查阅酒店的员工布告栏,它将提供最新的酒店信息,令您随时“整装待发”。 我们酒店可以在快速发展的酒店业中提供令你振奋的机会,要想前程似锦还须你自己努力。我们将尽力通过培 训,保证你在工作上得以提高和发展。 每年有众多的志愿者前来报考我们酒店,而你是被选中的极少数人之一,你应该为此感到骄傲。 酒店管理当局希望你前途无量,同时预祝你在此度过快乐时光。 再一次地欢迎你加入我们的家庭! Dear Team Member, Welcome to ***Hotel! You have joined the ***hotel chain in China as well as the world.*** It is our aim to make our guests’ stay a memorable one, be they from overseas or local, as only then will our reputation grow and business increase accordingly.We strive for the highest possible standard. To achieve this standard it is necessary that certain rules and regulations be followed by all of us.This booklet is designed to give you the information you need to know on what to do and what not to do. If there is any unclear, you can aslo ask for your deparment head or HR department. We will try our best to help you. Aslo remember to “scan” the hotel Notice Board, all hotel information is posted on it to keep you up to date and ready for work. Our hotel can offer you an exciting career in the fastest growing industry. It is up to you to take this chance and strive for a prosperous career.We will do our part to ensure you develop and grow within your job, by offering you the best possible training. Numerous people apply annually to work in our hotel, you are one of the few that were selected. You can be proud of having been chosen to join this team. The management wishes you a bright future and hopes that your time with us will be a happy and successful one. Once again, welcome to the team. 2. 我们的远景目标 What’s our Vision? 成为股东的最佳投资 To become the best investment for its Shareholders 1 为顾客提供最好服务 To offer the best service for its Customers 成为员工的最佳雇主 To be the best employer