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淘宝旺旺:飞向未来_2015 2017年 12月大学英语四级考试真题答案与详解(第 2套) Part I Writing 审题思路: 此次话题师生关系贴近学生生活,因此写起来并不难。简单开篇之后,考生应该将重点放在第二段,给出处理 好师生关系的一些建议。当然,这个话题还可以从不同的角度入手,比如老师应该如何做,或者师生共同努力,等 等。考生应结合自己的实际情况,从自己最擅长的角度写,这样容易做到言之有物。本文仅从学生角度给出了三条 处理好师生关系的建议。 高分范文: Teacher-student Relationship Is Never Complex The relationship between teachers andstudents has been hotly discussed in recent years in China for more and more attention has been paid to education. Today I would like to sharesome tips on how to get along well with teachers from students’ perspective. First and foremost, leave a good first impression on your teacher. As the saying goes, well begun is half done. A good first impression is important for teachers to remember your name among your fellow students.Secondly, study hard and be active in class. A student who loves study can definitely impress teachers deeply. Finally, keep contact with your teacher after. To conclude, teacher-student relationship is never complex if you could have an excellent academic performance, be cooperative in class or make friends with your teacher. 全文翻译: 师生关系并不复杂 由于人们对教育越来越关注,师生关系近几年来中国引起热议。今天,我想从学生角度分享几条关于如何与老 师和睦相处的建议。 首先,给老师留下良好的第一印象。常言道:良好的开端是成功的一半。良好的第一印象对于让老师从你的众 多同学中记住你非常重要。第二,努力学习,在课堂上积极表现。一个热爱学习的学生一定会让老师印象深刻。最 后,课下经常与老师沟通,这样你们就会成为朋友。 总结而言,如果你学业表现良好、课上积极配合或与老师成为朋友,那么师生关系就绝对不会复杂。 Part II Listening Comprehension Section A News Report One A New Jersey black bear that walks upright on its two back legs and has become a social media darling has re-emerged and has been captured on video months after its last sighting. The bear named Pedals was spotted in the town of Oak Ridge. In a video posted to Facebook featuring the bear, it appeared to be in relatively good health and was moving quickly. (1)Pedals apparently has an injured leg or paw that doesn’t allow it to walk comfortably on all fours according to experts. Lawrence Hajna, spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Protection, said o