第十四届中国国际水务高峰论坛暨北京生态修复学会年会 植被对水土流失和水源涵养的影响 冀晓东教授 北京林业大学水土保持学院 2019年11月5日 国家科技重大专项(水体污染控制与治理)--冬奥会核心区生态修复与水源涵养 功能提升技术与示范 Multidimensional analysis of the effects of vegetation on runoff and soil loss ? Vertical vegetation structures; ? Plant diversity ; ? Vegetation spatial distribution (Crockford and Richardson, 2000; Li et al., 2014; Quinton et al., 1997; Janssens et al., 1998; Martin et al., 2010; Puigdefabregas, 2005; Bochet et al., 1998; Feng et al., 2012; Lu et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2018; ) EFFECTS OF VEGETATION IN MINIMIZING EROSION üAbsorbs the energy of falling rain; üRemoveswaterfrom soil and transpires it into the air; üRoots hold surface soil and stabilize bank materials; üHelps the ground to absorb water; üSlowstherunoff velocity and traps sediment. Questions discussed in this research : 1. How does the vegetation coverage and littercoverageinfluence soilerosion process? What is the dynamicprocess of soil water infiltrationduring rainfall? 2. The regulation mechanism of vegetation coverage on soil erosion? Methods Runoff bucket Precondition of experiment Rainfall simulation experiment Vegetation coverage/Litter coverage Rainfall intensity: 60mm/h Grass: Carex Duration of rainfall: 60min Shrub: Twigs of the CHASTE Tree Slope:15° Measuring experimental indexes