Working with the LongTextModule (about.xml) SPECIAL NOTES The longText module has two fonts embedded, Arial and GeosansLight. Arial is the default, but if youd like to use GeosansLight for your text titles, for example, please refer to the css file included to see how this is achieved (css font-family property). LONG TEXT HEADER The longText module supports the built-in KenBurns slideshow, an image, swf or even no header at all. Please refer to the settings below to choose your header type. GLOBAL SETTINGS <textAndBannerWidth> the width of the banner images and text (theyre the same) <bannerHeight> banner height <useBanner> use the banner, which can be eithe a kenBurns effect slideshow, image or swf movie (parameters are "true" or "false") <bannerType> banner type option (parameters are "kenBurns", "image", "yourSwf") <imageSwfURL> in case youre opting for a single image/swf, here is where the path to it should be written <useStylesheet> choose to use a CSS stylesheet, true or false <stylesheetURL> the url of your CSS stylesheet <textAlign> the way the text will be aligned in the HTML formatted text field. Options are: 1) left 2) right 3) center 4) justify 5) dynamic BANNER SETTINGS (for the kenBurns slideshow) <speed> animationspeed (in seconds) <borderSize> the size of the banner border <borderColor> the color of the banner border <randomTransitions> randomizes start, end and in/out transition params, true/false <useOverlay> a blend filter that produces a "light flare" type transition, true/false SLIDE SETTINGS <image> <url>images/kenBurns/img1.jpg</url> <static>false</static> <start>mc</start> <end>bl</end> <direction>in</direction> </image> <url> Path to the image. <static> This option makes the image static or animated (params are "true" or "false") <start> The start position of the image. Options are: tl = top-left tc = top-center tr = top-right lc = left-center mc = middle-center rc = right-center bl = bottom-left