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Youth Entrepreneurship Development and the Principle of Effectuation:Evidence from Mali 青年创业发展和效果推理原则:来自马里的证据. 作者:张衣笙 Author:MAYENTAOKOMANI 导师:骆欣庆教授 Tutor:Professor LUOXINQING IIYOUTHENTREPRENEURSHIPDEVELOPMENTANDTHEPRINCIPLEOF EFFECTUATION:EVIDENCEFROMMALI BY Komani Athesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Beijing International Studies University 2023 III ABSTRACT The issue of entrepreneurship development and job creation in general is a concern for all developing countries as their first objective is the social and economic development of their populations.That is even more crucial in the context of African countries,especially Mali, due to its unique attributes,characterized by a very young population,high unemployment, few successful entrepreneurship activities,lack of high-quality training together with new business formation make this topic of research crucially plausible.Malis youth population face employment challenges.The economy creates fewer jobs than population growth needs. In addition,the skills acquired through education do not match the market demand.All this has led to high unemployment.Entrepreneurship in Africa,particularly in the context of Mali, can be a magic bullet for empowering young people,creating jobs,transforming the economy, and eradicating poverty.In recent years,interest in entrepreneurship has increased globally as decision-makers have come to understand the strategic value of entrepreneurship to economic growth and social development.Diverse ideas about the motivations behind entrepreneurs actions are available in the subject of entrepreneurship research.These theoretical frameworks outline the actions and key ways of thinking that entrepreneurs employ while starting new companies. The study reviewed some of the key theoretical frameworks and used both qualitative and quantitative research methods.143young local entrepreneurs participated in a questionnaire survey to get quantitative data.To gather qualitative data,using the Grounded Theory approach,40young local business owners from various locations of Maliwere chosen from the questionnaire survey respondents for interviews using the Grounded Theory approach in order to better understand their entrepreneurial behavior and perspectives on entrepreneurship development.The information gathered was used to gain insight into their behavior and,more specifically,to check for the presence of Effectual Theory principles.The research findings confirmed several of the key theoretical frameworks.The data revealed particularly compelling evidence of effective entrepreneurial practices,bolstering the Theory of Effectuation as a paradigm for new company development in Mali.The purpose of this paper iiiis to highlight the significance of the principle of effectuation and its role in Malis youth entrepreneurial process.According to the survey,local young entrepreneurs follow or apply the effectuation principle in the development of their entrepreneurial ventures. Keywords:Effectuation theory,Youth entrepreneurship,Mali,Entrepreneurship development. iv 。。。以下略