资 料 整 理 自 互 联 网 , 版 权 归 原 作 者! 欢 迎 访 问www.XinShiLi 新 势 力 单片 机 、 嵌 入式 第 20卷第1期2007 年 1月传 感 技 术 学 报CHINESEJOURNAL OFSENSORS AND ACTUATORSVol. 20No.1Jan.2007The Study of Position Method for AGV3S H I En2xiu3, HUA N G Yu2mei( Instit ute ofMachi ne an d A utom ati on , Xi’an Uni versit y ofTechnolog y ,Xi’an 710048 , Chi na)Abstract :A GV is wheeledmobile robotthat is used to convey material s in FMS.It’s essential to knowA GV locatio n in FMS for conveyingthe material from one place to anot her exactly.Thro ugh analyzing theexisting positio ning met hods and precisio n for mobile robot , a new positio ning met hod for A GV , which isdone by the two analo g ult raso nic senso rs fixed on the side of A GV , is propo sed.The new met hod is feasi2ble thro ugh theory analyzing and reliable by experiment . The positio ning precisio n for A GV in FMS is sat2isfied from the result of experimentby this positio n met hod.Key words :XAU T·A GV100 ;Ult