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of customer support and chatbot
interactions were on WhatsApp
Messaging 221%
increase in cloud contact
center interactions
Trends 2022/23 68%
increase in number of interactions
on digital channels
We analyzed over 153 billion interactions that took
place on our platform in the first half of 2022 and
compared them to 2021 to learn the current trends
in business-to-consumer communications. INFOBIP MESSAGING TRENDS 2022/23TABLE OF CONTENTS 2
Executive Summary 3
Table of Introduction 5
Building an omnichannel foundation 6
Contents The conversational experience era 11
The role technology plays across industries 16
Customer communication around the world 21
The business-to-consumer 221%
increase in cloud contact
center interactions
(B2C) landscape is changing.(2021 vs 2022)
Customers now want faster one-to-onesales, and support - as well as
interactions with their favorite brands. year-on-year growth in the use
of digital channels for customer
As a result, we’ve seencommunication.68%
hyper-personalization, automation,
and 24/7 availability take center stage.
We;ve seen popularity in chat and richincrease in number of
messaging apps grow with an 80% interactions on digital
Recent developments in technology
increase in WhatsApp interactionschannels
have led to new entrants including AI
compared to 2021 and a 62% increase
chatbots, rich messaging apps, and (2021 vs 2022)
in RCS interactions. However, although
upgraded voice and video channels
more and more customers are choosing
– making it easier for customers and
to chat with their favorite brands,
brands to connect and stay connected.
traditional channels still play a key role in
the customer journey – with 75% more
We see these industry trends on our own Email 91% ↑
platform with substantial increases in SMS interactions and 91% more Email
cloud contact center interactions, chat interactions taking place on our platform
apps as key channels for marketing,in the first half of this year. WhatsApp 80% ↑
SMS 75% ↑
RCS62% ↑
Increase in channel usage (2021 vs 2022)INFOBIP MESSAGING TRENDS 2022/23EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4
These same trends are happening These advancements are setting the
across industries, as we witness: foundation for a conversational future.
o 134% more WhatsApp interactionsOne with both digital and physical
within the banking and finance interactions that are interconnected. 99%
With 5G here and 6G on the horizon, as
155% more Email interactionsof customer support and
o well as more talk about the Metaverse,
within the retail and eCommerce chatbot interactions were
we expect to see a new world of B2C
industry on WhatsApp
interactions within the next few years.
o 1062% more RCS interactions
within the telecommunications Conversational experiences will
industrybecome the norm - and the entire
customer journey will be a combination
428% more Messenger
o of our favorite channels, features, and
interactions within the
transportation and logistics
industryHowever, to build a successful future,
we must first build a strong foundation.
With this shift in customer WhatsApp 134% ↑
communication channels, we’reIn this report, we share the current
more WhatsApp interactions within the banking and finance industry
experiencing more conversational trends we’ve seen come to life
interactions that have led to industry- across our platform and why brands
wide transformations such as chat should start to build their own Email 155% ↑
banking, conversational commerce, omnichannel foundation to prepare for a
more Email interactions within the retail and eCommerce industry
and the 4th industrial revolution. conversational future.
RCS 1062% ↑
more RCS interactions within the telecommunications industry
Ivan Ostoji;c,
Chief Business Officer, InfobipMessenger 428% ↑
more Messenger interactions within the transportation and logistics industryINFOBIP MESSAGING TRENDS 2022/23INTRODUCTION 5
Customer Communications Read on to learn more about what the future of business-
to-consumer interactions holds based on the trends and
changes that took place on our platform throughout the
are Conversational, Contextual, first half of 2022 compared to the first half of 2021.
Building an omnichannel foundation
and OmnichannelDive into the digital channels that are taking over B2C
communication including SMS, Email, RCS, WhatsApp,
Viber, and Mobile App Messaging. Learn the developments
The digital landscape is exponentially contextual conversations - whether for carousels, and more at each stage of within these channels and how brands use them to build
growing. The challenge for businesses? marketing, sales, or support. their journey. a strong omnichannel foundation.
Not just being able to automate
Our lives today are more digitalRCS 62% ↑
messaging, personalize interactions, The conversational experience era
or provide always-on support – but to than ever.
WhatsApp 80% ↑ Developments in cloud technology have made it easier
provide a conversational experience.
The 68 percent increase in the numberIncrease in rich messaging app interactions for brands to deliver conversational experiences on
the channels customers prefer. Learn how marketing
We analyzed over 153 billion of interactions on our platform tells us (2021 vs 2022)
automation, chatbots, and cloud contact centers can help
interactions on our platform to seethat customers want digital interactions
But SMS and Email are still popular
how customers interact over their favorite with brands – and more businesses you build a future-proof customer journey.
with global reach.
channels across regions and industries. are implementing digital channels and
solutions.The role technology plays across industries
With the highest open rates and return
Our data analysis has shown thatFrom chat banking to conversational commerce – learn the
on investment, an increasing number of
providing an end-to-end experience Interactions 68% ↑ way brands in Banking and Finance, Retail and eCommerce,
brands continue to leverage traditional
with an omnichannel approach Telecommunications, as well as Transportation and Logistics
Increase in number of interactions channels such as SMS and Email for
is the key to building a successful are leveraging digital channels and cloud technology to
from (2021 vs 2022)timely alerts and security solutions,
communications strategy. build end-to-end experiences.
including two-factor authentication.
Hence, it comes as no surprise that rich Rich media and chat apps are becoming
Customer communication around the world
media channels and chat apps have seen increasingly popular. SMS 75% ↑
With 70+ offices on 6 continents, we analyzed up and
an increase in interactions, and the use Email
More brands are embracing rich media 91% ↑ coming trends across regions. Learn what channels are
cases over these channels have gonemessaging and chat apps to engage
Increase in traditional channel interactions key for success in eight parts of the world – and what we
beyond notifications and reminders to customers with images, videos, GIFs,
(2021 vs 2022) expect to see grow in the future.