2021$260.5 billion
in total economic output,
Economic$174 billion in annual gross
Impact of the domestic product
U.S. Pet Sector
The U.S. pet sector contributes
$260.5 billion directly and indirectlyCompared to
to the U.S. economy. The care and $221 billion in
companionship of pets is integral to
not only the emotional and physicaltotal economic
well-being of people, but also to the output in 2015
strength and stability of our economy.
$23.40 billion84.9
2.78 paid in taxes million
million households
jobs arein the U.S.
have at
supportedleast one
by the pet
by the industry atpet 70% own a Pet
sector the federal, state,
and local levels Americans own 186
million dogs and cats
U.S. households spent $93.95 billion on
their pets
Total Household Expenditures on Pets in America
Pet food,
including pet
treats, is the
largest expense
for pet owners. In54% of U.S. households own a dog
2021, Americansand 35% own a cat
spent $50 billion
on pet food and 23 million U.S. households brought
treats. home a new pet between spring of
2019 and summer of 2022
Economic Impact Data sourced from: Center for Economic Analysis, Michigan State University through the Animal Policy Group and Animal Health Economics, LLC.
Pet ownership data sourced from: APPA National Pet Owners Survey: 2021-2022.