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Module 10 Body Unit 1 This is his head. No.19 Primary School Rebecca The ABC Song Unit 1 This is his head. 3 Unit 1 This is his head. 4 body feet legs arms hands Unit 1 This is his head. 5 foot head legs arm hand 火眼金睛识单词 6 arm foot head leg hand body Listen and answer the question: 7 What is it? It`s a panda. 8 Let's read ! Let's read ! Let's read ! Let's read ! Listen and answer the question: 9 body He is Panpan. This is his ____. Pairwork time: 10 This is me. This is my ____. This is my ____. This is ____ ____. This is ____ ____. This ____ ____ ____. Chant and Point: 11 Body, body, body. This is my body. Head, head, head. This is my head. Arm, arm, arm. This is my arm. Leg, leg, leg. This is my leg. Hand, hand, hand. This is my hand. Foot, foot, foot, This is my foot. 12 Let`s point! 13 Head and hands, arms and legs, feet and body. Head and hands, arms and legs, feet and body. Head and hands and arms and legs. Head and hands, arms and legs, feet and body. Let`s sing! Homework: 14 Draw a picture of an animal and write the parts of its body. 画一副动物图片,并且标出它的身体部位。 Thank you 。。。以下略