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Southwest Jiaotong University
Innovation Declaration of Doctoral Dissertation
I solemnly declare that: The submitted dissertation is the results of my independent work under the
guidance of my supervisor. In addition to the already annotated references, the paper does not contain
any other personal or collective research achievements that have been published or written. Each
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The major innovative points are listed as follows:
(1) To develop a back to front conception of customer attitude towards counterfeit luxury goods
in Pakistan and China through the making of novel models. To realize which of the ethical antecedents
in the model are substantial in Pakistan's setting and which are in Chinese settings for understanding
buyer behavior towards counterfeit luxury goods.
(2)To make and test novel model in light of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) with four additional variables including idealism, relativism,
religiosity, integrity and ethics for understanding Pakistani buyer's behavior towards counterfeit luxury
goods. Ascertain the relation of the five individual initial sub-factors (perceived risk, value conscious,
perceived quality, social status, and materialism) on purchaser behavior towards counterfeit luxury
goods, and whether this effect is productive or harmful.
(3)Ascertain the link of the four social presentation components (individualism, collectivism,
normative susceptibility and informative susceptibility) which influence the behavior of the purchaser
towards counterfeit luxury goods, and whether this effect is productive or harmful. Ascertain the
relationship of the four moral presentation factors (ethics, idealism, relativism, and religiosity) with the
purchasers' attitude towards counterfeit luxury goods, and whether this effect is productive or harmful.
(4)Ascertain the relationship of the four moral presentation factors (integrity, intrinsic religiosity,
extrinsic religiosity, and ethical concern) with the Chinese purchasers' attitude towards counterfeit
luxury goods, and whether this effect is productive or harmful.