E-commerce and consumer internet sector India Trendbook 2022 March 2022 Click here to proceedForeword Today, India’s internet economy is at an interesting juncture. The intersection of the data revolution, pandemic induced large-scale digital adoption at a rapid pace and the rise of forward-looking entrepreneurs has brought forward immense potential for the country’s digital economy. Data traffic in India has shown the highest growth of 60x globally in the last five years, and the number of 1 online shoppers in the region has grown by over 175% during the same period. With Indian consumers and businesses adopting digital channels for their day-to-day activities, the e-commerce and consumer internet sector is poised to showcase tremendous growth in the next three to five years. The past few years have witnessed the rise of nimble, innovation-focused start-ups that are challenging traditional ways of doing things. These digital native businesses are spread across sectors such as edtech, agritech, fintech, logistics tech and online retailing. They create new categories of products and services and differentiate existing ones through the disruptive use of next-gen technolog