中央提出的国有企业改革对推动国家现代化发展,推动民生保障,增强国家 综合国力都具有重要意义,对国有资本保值增值、提高国有经济竞争力、放大国 有资本功能非常有利。国有企业改革中的脱离企业办社会职能是为了让国有企业 卸下包袱,轻松上阵,实现集中一切力量发展主营业务的目的。兰州石化公司作 为中石油集团在兰州地区的分公司,按照国资委、集团公司相关要求,继“三供 一业”改革完成后,目前正在推进离退休业务社会化进程,紧锣密鼓地开展业务 移交相关方案的制定。业务移交之后,离退休工作管理部121名在职员工何去何 从,如何能在社会化改革之后保持现有待遇,如何能够平稳过渡到以生产加工为 主营业务的兰州石化公司其他岗位中去,这都需要一套切实可行的转岗安置方案 来执行。通过完整的转岗流程稳妥地实现员工转岗安置,是兰州石化公司在离退 休业务社会化后迫切需要解决的问题。 本论文通过运用问卷调查的方式,准确识别转岗安置过程中可能出现的问题, 剖析问题产生的原因,依据人力资源中人-岗匹配理论、霍兰德职业倾向等相关 理论,同时结合相关法律法规及兰州石化公司现有的员工内部流动方式,在依法 合规的前提下制定了适合离退休工作管理部员工的六种转岗安置方式,同时对转 岗安置工作的有效实施提出相应保障措施,以期达到全员平稳转岗的目的。 本文以兰州石化公司离退休工作管理部员工转岗方案为例,通过制定在职人 员转岗安置的相关流程及办法,加强在国有企业改革背景下对员工因业务移交引 起的岗位变动、人员转岗程序的研究,希望借此转岗安置的实践,将实际工作与 理论指导相结合,对其他国有企业改革中涉及员工转岗安置问题起到一定的借鉴 作用。 关键词:员工转岗,离退休工作管理部,石化行业,保障措施 MBA学位论文 作者:金玲 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗方案研究 II Research on the Transfer Program of the Retirement Management Department in the Lanzhou Petrochemical Company Abstract The central authorities put forward to a fact that the state-owned enterprises whic h are reformed is for great significance to promote the modernization of the country a nd ensuring the people’s livehood, as well as enhance comprehensive national powe r. It would be beneficial to maintain or increase government capital in value, becom e more competitive internationally and enlarge the function of state capital. Deprivin g social function from enterprise in state-owned-enterprises reform is to reduce the str ess in order to contribute all efforts to develop their major business modules. Nowada ys Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, as a branch of China National Petroleum Corpor ation (CNPC) in Lanzhou, is promoting retirement transaction socialization and formu lating varies of policies in terms of business transfer positively and soundly dependin g on State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) and any requi rements from CNPC, after completing innovation in supplying water, electricity, heati ng and realty management. For example, which department 121 employees would wo rk in the future in the Retirement Management Department after business transferrin g, how they can gain the same welfares after socialization reforming, how they can w ork from the main business module such as petroleum producing and processing to ot her positions successfully in the Lanzhou Petrochemical Company. All of these probl ems will be solved by formulating a number of practical schemes for transferring jo b position. Therefore, there are lots of necessary issues which need to be resolved afte r retirement business socialize in the Lanzhou Petrochemical Company. This assignment would identify the problems which might be in the transferrin g positions through questionnaire survey, analyze the causes of these problems, base d on the Person Job Matching Theory in the Human Resource Management and Holla nd Vocational Interest Theory. Meanwhile, considering the relevant national laws an d regulations regarding of internal employee flow in the Lanzhou Petrochemical Com pany, there are six approaches for transferring job positions which are suitable for th e employees in the Retirement Management Department in accordance with the la MBA学位论文 作者:金玲 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗方案研究 III w. Furthermore, this article also presents a lot of effective implements for transferrin g job in order to achieve the goal smoothly. This paper put forward to a fact that enhance study on employees transferring jo b positions because of business directions and personnel transfer procedures with th e background of enterprise reforming through establishing related regulations and app roaches about in-service staffs transferring job positions, taking Lanzhou Petrochemic al Company Retirement Management Employment transferring position program as a n example. This assignment aims to be guidance for other employees in the state-own ed enterprises, based on this practice on job transfer combining practical work with th eories. Key words: employee transfer, retirement management department, petrochemi cal industry, safeguards MBA学位论文 作者:金玲 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗方案研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 引言 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ............................................. 1 1.2 研究主要思路与方法 ......................................... 2 1.2.1 研究主要思路 ............................................ 2 1.2.2 研究的主要方法 .......................................... 4 第二章 相关理论基础 ...................................... 5 2.1 相关理论 ................................................... 5 2.1.1 人力资源配置理论 ........................................ 5 2.1.2 马斯洛需求层次理论 ...................................... 5 2.1.3 霍兰德职业兴趣理论 ...................................... 6 2.1.4 人-职匹配理论 ........................................... 6 2.2 关键概念 ................................................... 7 2.2.1 国有企业的含义 .......................................... 7 2.2.2 国有企业办社会职能的涵义 ................................ 7 2.2.3 国有企业人员转岗的内涵 .................................. 7 2.3 国有企业员工转岗安置研究现状 ............................... 8 第三章 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置面临的问题及原因分 析 ...................................................... 10 3.1 兰州石化公司简介 .......................................... 10 3.2 离退休工作管理部简介 ...................................... 11 3.2.1 离退休工作管理部组织结构 ............................... 11 3.2.2 离退休工作管理部人员结构 ............................... 12 MBA学位论文 作者:金玲 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗方案研究 V 3.2.3 国家对离退休业务社会化政策要求 ......................... 14 3.3 离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置面临的问题及原因分析 .......... 15 3.3.1 问卷调查 ............................................... 15 3.3.2 问卷基本数据分析 ....................................... 15 3.3.3 转岗安置过程面临的问题 ................................. 19 3.3.4 转岗安置存在问题的原因分析 ............................. 20 第四章 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置方案设计 ....... 24 4.1 明确兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置的政策依据 .......... 24 4.1.1 《中华人民共和国劳动法》相关规定 ....................... 24 4.1.2 《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》相关规定 ................... 24 4.1.3 《国有企业富余职工安置规定》相关规定 ................... 25 4.2 确立兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置工作指导思想 ........ 26 4.3 制定兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置的原则 .............. 26 4.4 制定兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置计划 ................ 27 4.4.1 确定进度安排与职责划分 ................................. 27 4.4.2 开展转岗安置前的岗位收集与分析工作 ..................... 28 4.4.3 分析员工个人能力及职业兴趣 ............................. 30 4.4.4制定多样化的转岗安置办法 ............................... 32 第五章 兰石化离退休工作管理部员工转岗安置方案保障措施 ... 45 5.1 加强组织领导层层落实责任 .................................. 45 5.2 提供专业的就业指导和心理咨询 .............................. 45 5.3 建立完善科学的绩效考核制度 ................................ 46 5.4 建立长效培训机制 .......................................... 46 5.5 建立劳动争议预防