PZ县邮储银行自2008年挂牌成立以来,经历近十年的发展,不论是在业务 品种、收入规模,还是在社会影响力上都取得了快速、良好的发展。“十九大”报 告提出,要坚决打好防范化解重大风险、精准脱贫和污染防治三大攻坚战。因此 当下银行业都将防止发生重大金融风险作为当下主要工作之一。强监管、普惠金 融是现今银行发展的新环境,对银行提出了新的要求和期盼。邮储银行一直以来 坚持“零售、普惠”的战略定位,在这样的背景下,PZ县邮储银行的发展又遇到了 新的挑战。 “人力资源”作为企业的第一资源,对于各家单位来说都是处于核心地位的资 源。PZ县邮储银行要在新时代要求下继续保持企业强劲发展的势头,同时服务好 地方,落实好党中央及上级行的要求,就必须在人力资源管理上有所改革。把企 业比喻成一个人,有完善、科学的人力资源管理体系,就相当于这个人有一个清 晰、完整、健康的经络,这样才能立足于这个地方、这个市场、这个时代。在此 背景下,本论文分五个章节尝试对PZ县邮储银行的人力资源管理体系进行研究 和探索,试图找到改进策略,建立起一套适应新环境且相对合理的人力资源管理 体系,以下是各章节主要内容。 第一章交代了文章的研究背景以及研究意义,然后就研究现状进行了综述, 分析了国内外研究现状,论述了相关研究内容及研究思路。 第二章对人力资源管理的相关理论进行了阐述,试图找到符合PZ县邮储银 行人力资源管理的线索和脉络。主要介绍人力资源管理的战略型模式、五才模式 和承诺型模式三种人力资源管理模型。 第三章主要介绍PZ县邮储银行的总体状况,重点分析企业不断发展壮大过 程中人力资源管理所面临的问题,并对成因进行分析和研究。 第四章结合上述三个章节的内容,主要对PZ县邮储银行人力资源管理工作 提出相应的改进方法和策略,并对改进的过程制定相配套的政策。 第五章是结论,通过对PZ县邮储银行人力资源管理进行改进达到“五化”, 即管理规范化、培训创新化、晋升多元化、绩效正向化和企业核心人本化。 关键词:邮储银行;人力资源管理;改进策略 2 Abstract PSBC in PZ county has been developing quickly and favorably in business varieties, revenue scale and social impact since it was founded in 2008. It was 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that put forward three tough battles: preventing and defusing financial risks, targeted poverty alleviation, pollution control. Therefore, preventing serious financial risks has been one of the major tasks in banking presently. The new environment of strong supervision and inclusive finance in the current banks brings up new requirements and expectations for banking as well. PSBC is constantly sticking to the strategic location of “retail, shared benefits”. Then, the development of PZ branch encounters new challenge under such circumstance. As the first resource , Human Resource is at the core of each resource . PZ branch need to reform on the new era for sustaining a strong growth momentum, better serving the locals and implementing the requirements from the Party Center and higher units. Comparing an enterprise which embraces good and scientific human resource management system to a person equals that he has a clear, overall and healthy meridian. Under this context, this thesis is divided into five chapters and trying to study and research the human resource management system of PZ branch of PSBC so as to find the improved strategy and establish a set of reasonable system which can fit the new environment. Chapter one is the study background and significance. That is about an analysis of current research state at home and abroad, the content of research, and the research design. Chapter two is about the illustration of relevant theories of human resource management. Chapter three will introduce the general situations of human resource management in PZ branch of PSBC, predominantly analyze the facing problems when it has been increasingly developing as well as its study of the leading causes. Chapter four is about the corresponding improved methods and strategies of human resource management in PZ branch of PSBC, in this thesis, it will also make the appropriate polices for its improvement. Chapter five is the part of conclusion. Having been improved, the human resource 3 management of PZ branch can be achieved as follows: management standardization, training innovation, diverse promotion, positive performance and humanization.。。。。。。以下内容略