I 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进 行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标 明引用的内容外,本
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段保 存和汇编本学位论文。 学位论文作者签名:指导教师签名: 2020年6月7日 2020年6月7日 摘要 II 摘要 近年来我国对装配式建筑行业政策支持力度大,行业发展迅速。根
据预测, 到2024年,我国的装配式建筑产值将不低于14000亿元人民币。与传统建筑行 业的施工方式相比,装配式木结构建筑具有生产效率更高、建筑质量更高、需 要的人工更
少、资源消耗更少、环境污染更少、施工周期短、结构灵活、成本 少等优势。 云南CH木筑有限公司2005年成立至今,作为一家成长型创新科技民营企 业,所从事的装配式木结构
建筑,正是国家大力发展的装配式建筑行业中的一 个分支,目前公司发展势头良好,但在日趋复杂、愈加激烈的市场环境下,公 司在技术、管理、营销、渠道等方面劣势渐显,
为使公司今后高效、稳定、持 续发展,需规划公司在未来几年的发展战略。 本文基于PEST理论、波特五力模型及SWOT等理论系统的分析了CH木筑公 司的内外部环境及公司存在的
优势、劣势、机会及威胁,探讨公司相应的发展 战略。在整体战略上,提出“提升基础业务市场占有率,扩展业务范围, 打造 企业品牌,形成企业品牌竞争力,控制生产成本、提
升产品质量,提高服务品质。” 在竞争战略上,提出成本领先战略和差异化战略的组合战略。通过降低生产成 本、管理成本,引入新的管理理念及应用信息化管理流程达到成本
领先的目的, 从产品、技术、营销和渠道方面提出产品的差异化竞争战略。同时,提出了人 力资源战略及财务战略,其中人力资源战略为完善人才引进和培养机制、人才 选拔和
使用机制、人才激励评价机制;财务战略为组建专门的融资部门及严格 控制企业费用。为保障战略的顺利实施,提出了相应的保障措施,含企业文化、 团队建设、管理组织保障
、生产运作保障等方面。 关键词:装配式木结构建筑;发展战略;竞争战略;SWOT 摘要 III Abstract In recent years, China's policy support for the prefabricated
construction industry is strong, and the industry is developing rapidly . It is estimated that by 2024, the market scale of prefabricated buildings in China
will exceed 1400 billion yuan. Compared with the traditional construction methods in the construction industry, the prefabricated wood structure building has
the advantages of higher production efficiency, higher construction quality, less labor, less resource consumption, less environmental pollution, short
construction period, flexible structure and less cost. Since its establishment in 2005, Yunnan ch Wood Construction Co., Ltd. has been engaged in
prefabricated wood structure construction as a growing innovative private enterprise of science and technology, which is a branch of the national vigorously
developed prefabricated construction industry. At present, the company has a good momentum of development, but in the increasingly complex and fierce market
environment, the company has disadvantages in technology, management, marketing, channels, etc Gradually, in order to make the company efficient, stable and
sustainable development in the future, we need to plan the development strategy of the company in the next few years. Based on pest theory, Porter's five
forces model and SWOT theory, this paper analyzes the internal and external environment of CH wood construction company and its advantages, disadvantages,
opportunities and threats, and discusses the corresponding development strategy of the company. In terms of overall strategy, it is proposed to "improve
the market share of basic business, expand the business scope, build corporate brand, form corporate brand competitiveness, control production costs, improve
product quality, and improve service quality." In the competitive strategy, the combination strategy of cost leading strategy and differentiation
strategy is put forward. By reducing production cost and management cost, introducing new management concept and applying information management process to
achieve the Abstract IV goal of cost leadership, this paper puts forward product differentiation competition strategy from product, technology, sales and
channel. At the same time, it puts forward the human resource strategy and financial strategy, including improving the mechanism of talent introduction and
training, talent selection and use, talent incentive and evaluation; financial strategy is to set up a special financing department and strictly control the
enterprise costs. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the strategy, the corresponding safeguard measures are put forward, including enterprise
culture, team building, management organization guarantee, production operation guarantee and so on. Key Words: Prefabricated timber construction;
Development strategy; Competitive strategy;SWOT 目录 V 目录 第一章绪论 ............................................... 1 第一节研究背景和意义
............................................ 1 一、研究背景 ............................................................ 1 二、 研究意义
............................................................ 2 第二节研究内容与创新点 .......................................... 2 一、 研究内容
............................................................ 2 二、 论文的创新之处 ...................................................... 3 第三节研究方法和
技术路线 ........................................ 3 一、 研究方法 ............................................................ 3 二、 技术路线
............................................................ 4 第二章文献综述及相关理论基础 ............................. 5 第一节文献综述
.................................................. 5 一、 国外文献综述 ........................................................ 5 二、 国内文献综述
........................................................ 6 第二节相关理论基础 .............................................. 6 一、 战略管理理论
........................................................ 6 二、 PEST分析理论 ........................................................ 7 三、 波特五力模型
........................................................ 9 四、 SWOT理论 ........................................................... 10 第三章 CH木筑公司概况
和环境分析 ........................ 12 第一节CH木筑公司概况 .......................................... 12 第二节 宏观环境分析
............................................ 13 一、 政治环境分析 ....................................................... 13 目录 VI 二、 经济环境分析
....................................................... 14 三、 社会环境分析 ....................................................... 14 四、 技术环境分析
....................................................... 15 第三节 行业环境分析 ............................................ 15 一、 行业内竞争者的分析
................................................. 15 二、 潜在竞争者分析 ..................................................... 16 三、 供应商议价能力分析
................................................. 16 四、 购买者议价能力 ..................................................... 17 五、 替代品分析
......................................................... 18 第四节 CH公司内部环境分析 ..................................... 18 一、 公司资源及基本能力分析
............................................. 18 二、 企业核心竞争力分析 ................................................. 20 三、 公司内部优势劣势分析
............................................... 21 第五节 CH木筑公司的SWOT分析 .................................. 23 一、 优势(S)分析
...................................................... 23 二、 劣势 (W)分析 ...................